Fix you

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Kat sat watching the last of the flickering embers from the fire as she waited for Damian to return. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself for warmth, rocking gently back and forth to the familiar piano medley of various cover songs as they whispered through the sound system. Damian's footsteps on the cobblestones caught her attention as he arrived back with two cups of tea and a large woven blanket tucked under his arm. He passed Kat the two cups to hold whilst he shook out the blanket to its full size then sat in beside her wrapping it around them both.

"Thanks for the tea." Kat passed him his cup and watched the steam rise up into the air, almost dancing in time to the background music.

"What's this song?" She whispered into her cup before she gently blew over it.

Damian paused for a moment as he listened. "Fix you by Coldplay." He finally announced.

"Yeah, that's it." Kat smiled "It sounds very pretty as a piano solo."

Damian nodded in agreement and took a sip of his tea flinching as it scolded his lip. "Watch it, it's hot." He warned then carefully placed his cup on the floor next to the numerous empty beer bottles.

"No biscuits, you're slacking already?" Kat joked as she continued to blow over the top of her cup trying to cool its contents.

"You can't possibly still be hungry?" He looked at her out of the corner of his eye causing his thick eyebrow to arch in uncertainty.

Kat chuckled softly causing her nostrils to flare slightly. "No, I'm just teasing. I honestly think I would burst if I tried to eat anything else." She took a cautious sip from her cup. "So what's this surprise?" She asked as she shuffled closer and rested her head on his arm.

"For a teacher, you don't have much patience do you, Kathleen? He sniffed as he moved his arm around her and pulled her securely into his side.

"That's a different kind of patience." Kat jovially retorted.

"Oh really." His head tilted back as he chuckled into the air.

"Could you put that on the floor for me please?" Kat passed him the cup which he instantly took and placed next to his, she wrapped her arms around his waist and wriggled into him for warmth.

"I mean it, Kathleen." He looked down at her, smiling as he saw her thick lashes fall and rise. "Don't you dare fall asleep? You only have about 40 minutes left to wait now." He lifted her head with his free hand to check she hadn't fully closed her eyes.

"I won't, I'm awake." She protested through several slow heavy blinks.

"Ok, ok. Let's wake you up a little." His mischievous grin reappeared as he shifted her up and manoeuvred her to straddle his lap bringing them face to face. He readjusted the blanket to keep it securely around them both and Kat affectionately placed her hands on either side of his face smiling contently before softly placing her lips on his.

"I've waited all night for that." He whispered into her mouth before returning for more and applying a tender pressure to the kiss.

"So what's the surprise?" Kat questioned again between kisses.

Not breaking from her lips a smile spread across Damian's face. "Uh uh, no you don't."

"Don't what?" Kat innocently retorted pulling her head away from him.

"Don't use this moment to get me to tell you what I'm up to." He smiled again as he turned his attention to her neck.

"Oh no, YOU don't,"  Kat smirked as she lifted his chin with her hand.

He leaned back to look at her. "Whaaat?"

"Don't do that thing YOU do to my neck to distract me and make me forget what I'm up to." She cocked an eyebrow in jest.

"Then I guess we're at a stalemate." He winked and moved back into her neck.

"Fine, you win." She sighed as she threw her head back to expose more of her neck for him to explore. She could feel his lips move into a smile as he nipped at the base of her neck and along her collarbone.

His hands were surprisingly warm on her skin as they moved under the hem of her shirt and up her back, her skin warmed to his touch and she slowly allowed her hands to travel from his face into his hair, smiling contently as she found his lips again and allowed her tongue to tenderly flick over his.

They both jumped suddenly as his jean pocket began to vibrate.

"It's time to go." He cryptically announced before kissing her again and lifting her off his lap.

Kats frustration was short-lived as the anticipation of what he may have in store kicked in.

"What are you doing?" She giggled uncontrollably.

"Patience Kathleen, patience." He grabbed her hand. "Follow me."

She excitedly followed him around the side of the villa which brought them out at the path leading to the driveway. "Where are we going?" She almost squealed with excitement.

Damian turned and kissed her firmly. "Do I have to keep kissing you to get you to stop asking?"

"Where are we going?" Kat playfully teased, testing out his threat.

He shook his head and before Kat knew what was happening he swept her up over his shoulder causing a feeble squeal to escape her mouth as he continued to march down the path towards the driveway.

"Get on." He instructed as they reached the row of scooters and he placed her down next to his.

Kat looked at him wearily ready to question again.

"Kathleen Mullen..." he paused and rubbed at his eye. "please, just get on the dam scooter."

Saying nothing Kat did what she was told and wrapped her arms firmly around his waist as she rested her head on his back.
He lifted her right hand and brought it up to his mouth placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Just trust me, Kathleen." His voice was soft but meaningful as the moment of silence lingered between them.

He turned the key causing the engine to softly hum to life and carefully walked the scooter backwards to turn it around before nudging the throttle and the bike gently moved off out of the compound.


Authors notes:

Hmmmmm! What do you think Damian's big surprise might be? You'll find out soon enough. 😜

- KS

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