17.I am not surprised!

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Sidharth's POV

"Colour doesn't matter.You look good anyway.Ok, Bye", She slammed the door shut.

Those words... She thinks I look good in all colours!!

"Dr, the patient in room 203 has regained consciousness. I couldn't find Dr.Verma anywhere.", The nurse informed me.

"Patient in 203? Ohh,that's Meera's first solo surgical patient, Right? She is in the locker, I will go get her", I told her and walked towards the locker room.

That sight shocked me beyond anything.. I felt my heart getting punctured by millions pins at the same time..

She was walking hand-in-hand with Arjun Desai !!! So this was the reason she didn't let me enter the locker room!

No wonder she got her first solo surgery! Sleeping with the boss does have its benefits..

He might have forced her into this.. noo she is happily talking to him!

He kissed her forehead!!! How dare he???

Looks like I was always wrong.. She is not the Meera , I fell in love with. She is just another golddigger bitch who is sleeping around to step ahead in her career!!

I will make sure she pays for this!

Author's POV

Sidharth was furious on seeing them together. Meera walked into room 203 to check on her patient along with Dr.Mathur , Sidharth, Cristina and Dr.Chopra.

"Great work, Meera! You handled it well. You stepped in the right time to save the patient when none of your seniors were available", Dr.Mathur praised Meera.

"Impressive! Congratulations on your first successful solo surgery!", Dr.Chopra said while her eyes gleaming with pride looking at her student.

"I am not surprised!", Cristina looked at Meera with a proud and happy smile.

"I am not surprised too!", Sid blurted out with anger.

Everyone looked at him puzzled. Cristina sensed something and said," He meant that he is very impressed Meera's performance".

Dr.Mathur and Dr.Chopra smiled at them and went outside.

Sidharth gave a deadly stare at Meera and walked out.

Meera looked terrified at his sudden change. He was always quite happy and jovial.

Cristina ran behind him and stopped him," What was that, Sid? If you want to pull a prank, Do it elsewhere not when we are with the teachers!"

"I am not pulling off any stupid prank!!! I meant it!", Sidharth snapped back.

"What is wrong with you, Sid?", Meera asked with concern touching his arm.

He pushed her hand away roughly ," What is wrong with me? I know how you manage to land up with all these cool surgeries and immense praise from the doctors!!" He shouted and walked away.

His voice startled Meera.She looked at Cristina disbelievingly.

"Relax, there's nothing to worry.He is just having a bad day. I will talk to him later", Cristina comforted her and they dispersed to continue with their work.

At the cafeteria after rounds,

"Here's your order. You should eat more, you look so frail nowadays ", Swapna Aunty said.She is the gossip columnist in the entire hospital, there is nothing going on in the hospital that she doesn't know.She has sources around the building,people who like to have fun bickering about other's private issues.

"Did you hear this? Rani Madam is getting a divorce! She caught her husband cheating on her.Poor thing! ", She started gossipping.. "Aunty, I need to get going .I have some work to do", Meera replied to avoid her and walked away.

"Arree, Preeti beta, Did you hear this..", She continued with her work .

"God, I hate such people.Always poking their noses in other's privacy. Gossip mongers!", Meera murmured.

"Hating gossip mongers? People who pretend to be so naive and all nice while they stab others behind their backs are much more dangerous!!", Sidharth said furiously aiming at Meera.

"What are you saying, Sid?", Meera asked puzzled.

"Nothing, Continue with your acting! You will pay for this anyway!", Sid replied and walked into the ward clenching his fist.

Meera watched him walk away with anger.She was worried wondering what caused him to change so much.

What do you think Sidharth is planning? But I honestly feel bad for him also.

Don't forget to Vote guys!!! Stay tuned to see what happens next.

XOXO,Lots of love..

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