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Two years later,

"Why does this take soooo longg??
This stupid clock is ticking very slow.", Meera huffed staring at it blankly.

She paced back and forth across the bathroom. She took a quick glance at the clock again.
"There it is! 3 minutes finallyy.. It seemed like 3 freaking years!!"

Her mind was filled with thousand emotions as she took the stick in her hand.

Two lines...
"People become so different when they become parents, you know. The whole house was in chaos.The older kid who is just about 3 or 4 years old was scribbling on the damn white wall and his mother was busy pacifying the younger one. Babies are just too muchh to handle! Crying on and on.. Nobody knows what they actually want! "

She was reminded of how much annoyed he was after visiting his childhood friend's house.

"What am I supposed to do now?? He will freak out after hearing this.. what about me then? Am I even ready for this? A baby?..."

Her thoughts were broken when the doorbell rang.
She walked out of the bathroom and opened the main door.

And there he was..
His tie loosened around his neck and his perfect hair ruffled and messy but his face was beaming like anything.

He took her into a tight embrace as soon as she opened the door.
"I am the happiest man on earth today!!"

He pecked her lips softly and entered inside.

"Arjun?? You okay?"

"Yess!! More than okay! I am ecstatic!", He said with a wide smile dancing on his lips.

Meera looked at him puzzled.
"Business Man of the Year? Ever heard of something like that??", He asked with a smirk.

"OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yayyyyyy!!!", She squealed loudly and jumped in to hug him tightly.

He chuckled seeing her reaction.
"Let's go out for dinner tonight!", He said kissing her forehead.

She nodded excitedly looking at him.
"I actually have something to tell you...", She  spoke.

"Hmm.. what is it??", He said walking towards the bedroom.

"You know..... I know it is going to be difficult.. but you know we can... I know you don't.... but you..", She started blabbering nervously.

He held her by her shoulder, trying to calm her down."Relax...You can tell me anything!"

She looked at him in the eye for a second and blurted out ," I am pregnant.."

He couldn't believe his ears.. He tried to process what he has just heard.

"I am going to be father..???? Omg !! This is happening.. We are going to be parents!!!", He shrieked with excitement and hugged her tightly.

His eyes became watery,not able to contain the happiness.

"I always thought that my Dad was the worst father on the planet and I might also turn out like him.. But you are fulfulling my dream.. my small happy family!", He kissed her cheeks.

"I am such an idiot! Here, I was thinking that you might freak out hearing this..", She broke into laughter.

"You told me that kids are too much to handle. They scribble on the white walls.. they cry nonstop...", She said imitating his previous tone.

"Yeah I did. But if they scribble on our white walls, we will get it redone later. And when they cry nonstop, we can pamper them nonstop. Kids are not too much to handle if we have each other. Morever this is our child, it is bound to be special", he  chuckled and hugged her.

"You are my pyjamas, Arjun..", Meera said, laughing.

"I am what?"

"Pyjamas... I am way too comfortable with you!", Meera said, making him laugh.


5 years later,

"Aarav... stop running around like this! Wear these shoes... Aaraavv!!!", Meera called out to her 5 year old little boy.

"Ha.. Found you!", She saw him hiding behind the curtains.

She took him in her arms and made him wear his shoes.
"Mamma, Teacher was telling that the sun is like a ladoo and it comes everyday.. Aarav wants to eat it!  ",He asked with a cute smile.

"Sun is a biggg ladoo.. but you can't eat it!", Meera laughed and made him wear the shoes.
She took him in her lap and tickled him making him giggle loudly.

They heard Arjun coming downstairs with his princess in his arms.
"My little angel looks the prettiest today!", he said and kissed her cheek. She replied to him in her baby language and kissed his cheek , making him chuckle.

Meera smiled seeing her little angel.She was  a tiny replica of herself except those eyes, his dreamy eyes , still possessing the same charm as always.

"Let's cut the cake then!", Mukesh called out from the garden area.

"Wait.. Paapa, lets wait for them too..", Arjun said and Mukesh smiled.

The doorbell rang and Meera rushed to open it.

"Sorry.. Meera. Sid was taking way too much time, figuring out what to wear," Nisha said, giving her a welcome hug. Nisha and Sidharth met on Arjun-Meera's wedding and clicked instantly... They got married last month in Jaipur.

"Sania.. Stop hitting Aarav like that!! He is your friend...", Cristina scolded her 4 year old.

"Arjun, looking dapper...", Sid said, making him laugh.

"Happy birthday to you...", They all sang together.

Aarav feeded his little sister with a small piece of cake making her giggle. Meera smiled seeing her little family, her small world.
Arjun snaked his arm around her.
"I love you Meera ."
She smiled wholeheartedly seeing him,"I love you too".

Aarav smeared the frosting on her cheeks and laughed," Mama looks funnyyy.."

"Your son is exactly like you!",Meera laughed.

"Yes!", He smiled and smashed the cake on her face. They all cracked up together and posed for a group selfie.

"Thank you for this! My whole world in a frame..", Meera said looking at the picture and hugged him

"Remember,  we were always Meant to Be...

He chuckled and hugged her back.


                              THE END



A Huge thanks to each and everyone who has been in constant support to this story from the very beginning!❤

I never thought that I would be able to write something. But here I am, writing the final words of my first ever story. Thanks for making this possible..

Stay Safe. 😷  Stay Happy. 😁

Do more of what make you happy and peaceful..😇

Bye byee..🥺.

See you next time...

                          XOXO,lots of love...

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