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She slammed the bathroom stall door and leaned against it. Tears raced down her face. "Great help to the chairman??Do I really deserve to hear that?", an involuntary whimper escaped her lips.

She sat there for some time not knowing what to do, crying her eyes out.

She heard a knock at the door," Psst, Meeraa open the door pleasee."

She looked at the door not able to process anything.

"Meeraa, open the door. It's Cristina. Please , Meera....", she opened it falling into her arms crying miserably.

"Heyy, Stop it, Meera. You are a strong girl ,not a crybaby.", Cristina wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Those people don't know who you are or what you are capable of. For them, this is just another juicy gossip. Your tears are too precious to be wasted on these assholes.", Cristina tried to calm down Meera.

She gave her a tight hug consoling Meera.

"I heard that she charges a lot of money in return of sleeping with him..", They heard a girl outside near the wash basin.

"No, not money, she gets to scrub in on cool surgeries in return.", Another girl said.

"Remember that girl, Rashi from college , she also tried to seduce our teacher to get top marks"

"She might have had a great time, the chairman is damn hot!", Another girl spoke and they all laughed.

Meera heard them talking and a tear escaped her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up! You have no freaking idea what a wonderful doctor she is, she works her ass off every single day to achieve all this. And you morons, if you had worked half of what she does without talking behind other's back here, you would also have got all that. SO, GET OUT AND DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK ANOTHER WORD AGAINST HER!", Cristina yelled at them.

They looked at her horrified as if they had seen a ghost and quickly ran outside.

"I knew you were my best friend for a reason.", Meera said looking at Cristina, teary-eyed.

"Enough of this, you don't deserve to be called a gold digger. Come let's find the person who created this havoc!", She said holding out her hand to Meera.

They found Sidharth seated in the cafeteria sipping his coffee.Cristina went inside asking Meera to remain in the hallway to avoid more talks.

"Sid, come outside. We need to talk", She called him.

"What is it?", He asked irritated but stopped on seeing Meera.

"This is the reason you wanted to talk to me? Cris, you have no idea what she has done. I saw her with him that day with my own eyes! It's better to just avoid this gold digger bitch who is just sleeping around for professional benefits...", Sid furiously told but his words were cut off when a tight slap fell on his cheek.

His eyes met those red, puffy eyes that looked at him with several emotions.

He was about to say something when she turned around and walked away wiping her tears, ignoring his calls.

"I didn't expect this from you, Sid. She considered you as a good friend and see what you have done.", Cristina shouted at him and followed Meera.

"Come, let's get out of here. Let's take the night shift later on, I already asked Netra.", Cristina said and dragged a reluctant Meera towards the car.

Cristina is my favourite character in this story. Who is yours?

Comment something.. It doesn't feel great to write when there is no response on the recieving end.

I thought of posting a double update but as you can see the story is nearing 1K reads, so I promise to post it at that time. Sorry..

XOXO,Lots of love..

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