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"I can't believe we are doing this." I grumble as Alex and I walk to the tech room to get contact information for our family.

"Me either." He replied grumpily.
I guess boss is right, they did try to look for us but why were we taken in the first place. They should have been more careful but they also didn't think anything like that would happen.
On the flip side if they didn't become enemies with the Russians we would not have been kidnapped and we would not have been taken to those places.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind we walk into the tech room and tell them what we need. A couple minutes later someone hands us a piece of paper with a phone number on it. A phone number that is going to change our lives.

I stare at the paper for a while before handing it to Alex silently asking who should do it. We walk outside to the edge of the woods to get some privacy and dial the number before we can change our minds. We put it on speaker and wait for them to answer.
"Hello" A gruff voice answers.
"Hello is this Timothy Santos?"
"Depends who's asking."
I look at Alex and hesitate a little but he grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"This is Aria and Alex."
There is silence on the other end of the phone and then what sounds to be him moving quite quickly. After a minute of muffled sounds he says "I am with your mother and brothers you are on speaker."
"Ok umm we gave it some thought and decided to see how this goes so we would like to know the full story."
"Of course, when would you like to do that?"
"Could we possibly meet tomorrow?"
"Yes, yes that is perfect we will be there."
"Great I will send you the address and time."
"Ok, and thank you guys for reaching out. We know it must be hard for you."

We hung up the call and quickly text them the address of one of the Agency's restaurants and told them to be there at 11 am.

The agency owns several small business around the world to use as a cover but it is nice because we will be able to have the whole restaurant to ourselves for some privacy.

We informed boss about what's happening and he agreed to clear out the restaurant for us to use.

The next morning after we got ready we went to get some weapons just in case and then picked out a car.

We are now in the car on the way to a restaurant to meet our family...... Woah that's weird to say.
Pulling up we see that Boss did in fact clear the restaurant for us. We see two black SUVs parked on the far end of the parking lot. They pulled up close to us once we parked and they got out.

I watched as the people who could possibly change our lives got out of the car. Without looking to see if they were following we walked into the restaurant. Their was a long table set up in the middle with seven chairs set up. Nadia, the waitress came out with alcohol for Alex and I. She is 20 years old and we rescued her on a mission a couples years ago. She has worked here ever since because boss pays everyone well. She brings everyone else their drinks and we order our food. We stalled as much as we could but it is time to face the facts. They were our real family and the only ones who could give us answers.

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