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Looking at the people who could have raised us, and could have been the shoulders we cry on was difficult. Nobody said anything for a while until Timothy decided to introduce everyone. "As you both know my name is Timothy Santos and this is my wife Maria Santos and we are your parents." Hearing it said out loud was like a punch to the gut. He then gestures towards the other three guys who came with them. "I am Adrian Santos, I am 24, I am James Santos, I am 23, and I am Marcus Santos, I am 20." I noticed that Adrian kept staring at me and it was kinda strange but I ignored it until he spoke to me. "You know everyday after school I would come home and you would come running and grab on to my leg. I would carry you all throughout the house until we found Alex and then we would play for hours."
"That sounds wonderful and I wish it could have been like that longer."
I hated to be cold towards them but I have every right to, plus they had to get it through their head that it would never go back to the way it was when we were kids.

Timothy cleared his throat, noticing the tension in the room. "So where should we start?"

"How about from the beginning."

"Of course. Two months before you both were born our rivals found out about the pregnancy. We had done such a good job of hiding it but they somehow found out. Our rivals were the Russians."
At the mention of the Russians Alex and I both went stiff and he grabbed my hand under the table and I don't know what I would have done if he didn't. It was something we both needed.... a reminder that we made it through and would always be there for each other.
"They found out when we would be returning home after the birth and the route we would be taking and we later found out that we had a mole. We searched high and low to find the mole and eventually we did. We eliminated the problem and everything went back to normal. You guys grew up a bit and decided to go to the park one day. A van rolled up and guys jumped out to grab you both and before anyone could react it was too late, you guys were already gone. We found out you were put in an orphanage but by the time we got there it was too late because you had already been adopted.
We were just glad you weren't with the Russians anymore. We knew they wouldn't do anything to you because you were just children."
Suddenly we all winced at the sound of a chair being pushed back and a furious Alex stormed out of the restaurant. "Excuse me." I immediately jump up and follow him.
"Alex!" I finally catch up with him when he is about to go around the side of the building. "What?!" He turns around and I immediately see the anger and pain in his expression. "Bubba please don't be upset." I use his nickname that I have called him for as long as I can remember. He starts to breathe at a normal pace again and I rest my head agains his chest and give him a big hug. I can hear his heart beating rapidly against my ear and I feel him take a couple deep breathes. "How dare they assume that they wouldn't do anything. I never want to go back to that place. I refuse to let you go back. I would die before I let that happen." I just continue to hug him until he is calmed down and we make our way back into the restaurant. "I am sorry but I think it would be best if we continue this conversation another time."

They all stood up "Of course, how about in a couple days?"
"That works fine we can meet here again if that works."
"Yes it does. Just let us know a time."
We watch as they walk out and get into their cars and leave.

Family's POV
They all watched as Alex stormed out and Aria went to comfort him. One by one they sneakily got up and walked to the window next to the twins. They could hear the whole conversation.

(In the car)
"What do you think they were talking about when then said place? Adrian asked. He didn't like how uneasy the whole situation made him feel. "I'm not sure but whatever it is has made a huge impact on their lives." Timothy replied while driving. The whole way home the family wonders about what they could have been talking about and what could have happened to them.

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