Chapters 18 and 19

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Chapter 18

       Jordan stared at the door leading to the stairwell when they entered the large building. Holly either didn’t notice or didn’t care to notice as she marched confidently to the elevator.

       The two rode in silence as the metal container carried them to the top floor. The elevator was a spacious steel-sided room but in Holly’s presence it felt small. The Transition Counselor had been quiet for most of the ride to the Director’s building. Something Jordan found strange and unnerving.

       The silence was too much for Jordan to bear as the lights signaling they were only halfway up illumined. “I’m guessing that meetings like this aren’t common?”

       Holly flinched at the sound of Jordan’s voice so far lost in her own thoughts. “No, no, they aren’t.”

       Jordan waited for more, it didn’t come. It seemed like Holly was in anything but a talkative mood. Not soon enough the elevator doors dinged open. The two women walked into a large reception area. Guards in dark green uniforms nodded in their direction and a young female secretary smiled at them behind a desk.

       “Miss Carter. Miss Shepherd. So glad to see you.”

       Although the young girl said one thing, Jordan knew that no one could be glad to work at such a late hour during a weekend.

       Holly acted as though the secretary was an obstacle to get around rather than an actual living, breathing person. Ignoring the pleasantries she looked past the receptionist toward the hall leading to the Director’s office. “The Director is expecting us. Have the others arrived?”

       The receptionist bobbed her head, clearly used to people like Holly Carter. “Yes, Counselor Carter. Feel free to go on in. They are waiting for you in the conference room.”

       Holly once again acted as though the receptionist wasn’t there and stalked down the hall, her high-heeled shoes making a firm indention in the rich white carpet wherever her feet fell.

       Jordan smiled at the girl behind the desk, “Thank you.”

       The girl looked startled at being addressed at first, she quickly recovered and gave Jordan a genuine smile.

       Jordan followed down the hall in Holly’s wake. She had never visited the Director’s office before. It was nothing like she imagined. Like everything else in the city, it was ornamented using sanctioned décor with only black and white colors being used. Large vases here and picture frames there which were all deemed safe for use by the city. Unlike other offices and living quarters Jordan had seen, the Director’s office space was huge and open.

       Jordan did a quick estimation in her head and came to the conclusion that the hall they walked down alone was half the size of her own living quarters.

       Soon voices could be heard though a half open door at the end of the hall. Jordan caught sight of people inside all sitting in leather seats down a long steel table. She half expected Holly to knock. Instead the Transition Counselor grabbed the steel handle of the large door and swung it open.

       The chatter stopped as every eye in the room focused on Holly and Jordan – 10 pairs of eyes to be exact. They were the most powerful and influential people in the city. Heads of every department, from Leroy Burner, the head of the IT department, to Doctor Nero Shaver who oversaw a team that monitored the health and wellness of every citizen in the city.

       In that moment Jordan wished she had had time to change before the meeting. Still dressed in the casual clothes she had chosen to see her parents, Jordan’s eyes scanned the attendees’ own attire. Suits, lab coats, even clothing designed for social events rather than a meeting seemed better than what Jordan was wearing.

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