Chapters 29, 30 and 31

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Chapter 29

It seemed confusion was spreading as the crowd gathered in front of her trying to make sense of her speech. One voice rang out from the rest, sarcasm dripping with every word. “So let me get this straight. The city leaders are hiding a secret. If anyone learns this secret, they are released outside the city. They explain this by saying that the person was not meeting quota. Furthermore, they are planning to construct weapons and mobilize an army to go beyond the Wall?”

Jordan searched for the familiar voice. Her eyes locked on Tina Lockwood. Tina was about her same age and known among the staff to complain whenever the chance arose. At her request, she had been transferred from one staff member to the next, always finding a reason to be dissatisfied with her exercise instructor.

“Yes,” Jordan said making sure her voice was intentionally firm.

“Well, what secret did Robert find? What was this earth-shattering piece of information that cost him his life?”

Heads swung from Tina to Jordan. Jordan could feel a knot in her stomach. She gulped and braced herself for the crowd’s reaction. “I don’t know.”

More mutters and head shakes, but above all Tina’s voice could be heard. “Oh, so you want us to believe everything you’ve said? While you don’t even know why this is all happening.”

Anxiety turned to anger. Jordan could feel heat gather in her face. “Believe what you want. This is the truth. Those of you who were familiar with Robert know that he was a man who never missed his quota. He met his goals every month. Even more than that, you know me. I wouldn’t lie to you about anything, much less about a subject this severe. Think about it. What do I have to gain by lying?”

“Oh, I don’t think you’re lying.” Tina scoffed, “I just think you’re crazy.”

Before Jordan could respond, Jerrick stood up beside her. “Listen, everyone who works here realizes something suspicious happened to Robert. Whether we choose to admit it or not, anyone who worked with him for any length of time would be certain there is no way Robert would miss his quota;  much less miss it three months in a row, warranting a release outside the Wall.” The crowd silenced again. Even Tina remained quiet, her fists balled up on either side of her waist.

“Come on, we all know something is going on. Most of us ignore it, some of us are scared, others choose to look away as long as it doesn’t have to do with them. How much longer are we going to pretend nothing is wrong?” Jerrick continued.

“I agree.” The voice was female. Alice, a physical educator Jordan didn’t always see eye-to-eye with, walked to the front of the crowd. “Jordan is a lot of things, but she’s not a liar.”

Heads nodded as people familiar with Jordan were reminded of her character.

“So, what now?” A male voice in the crowd asked.

Jordan was still caught up in the moment looking at her friends with pride. It was one thing to know you had someone’s support, but it was an entirely different feeling when people actually stood by your side in the face of a potentially dangerous crowd.

The question that was asked seemed simple. Yet Jordan had no response. She knew she couldn’t let anyone suffer for her decisions. “Now, nothing,” she said. “You all know what is happening. The city security guards will be in to escort me out and that will be it. But you all know the truth now. I won’t be responsible for more of you being released outside the—.”

“I say we confront the city guards here and now. Solomon Archer will be with them. I say we get some answers.”

Jordan’s eyes scanned the room and found Owen standing towards the front. His arms were crossed in a defiant stance. The older educator was getting on in years, but he was still an imposing figure.

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