Chapters 56 - 59

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Chapter 56

The rusted platform in the vast sea of still water was buzzing with excited chatter. Rhun moved about his people helping to pack belongings and offering words of encouragement. Most were excited, some hesitant. Rhun knew they were all fearful of the journey to come.

It was a gamble, yet one that would pay off a thousand fold if they were to reach the city and close the gates behind them. Rhun, Ward, Argo and Lierna had just made their way back home. Already they were preparing their people for the trip across the dangerous desert. “Do you require any assistance preparing for the journey?” Rhun asked, sticking his head in a narrow room.

Grizla’s voice came back steady and light. “I may be old but I’m capable of packing my own belongings. How about you? Are you ready for the trip? You just arrived yesterday. Already we are making plans to leave tomorrow.”

It was true, Rhun’s body was feeling the effects of long travel and short rest. His back knotted and his legs felt like rubber. Still there was no time for weakness. Not now, when hope for a better life was so real. “I’ll be fine, Grizla. Thank you for the concern.”

“I’m sure you will,” Grizla said with a knowing smile. “How about your conscience? Is that too in need of rest?”

Rhun narrowed his eyes to slits searching for the meaning in the elderly woman’s words. “My conscience is sound. This needs to be done.”

“Does it? The trip will be dangerous. Many might fall to the tickers roaming the desert. Is it worth it?”

Anger was Rhun’s first reaction, Grizla however was a friend. No one had been so bold as to question his plans although he suspected whispers were being shared. As anger withdrew, Rhun found words. “There is no future for us here. Sooner or later the tickers will find a way across the water. We will be defenseless. If not the tickers then time is forever our enemy. Rust will eventually corrode this place making it fall into the water. There is no long-term life here. Our life and our destiny belong inside walls. I will not force anyone to follow. It has been a choice for all as free men and women.”

Grizla stopped packing and approached Rhun. Her slow gate came to a halt only a short distance from where he stood. Grizla placed a weathered hand on his left shoulder. “As long as you know and believe what you are doing is right. Life is too short to live with regrets. Please don’t mistake my words for negativity. I agree with your choice; however, you must be prepared for the sacrifices that may have to be made along the journey.”

Rhun knew what she was getting at. “When the tickers come—and they will come—we will be ready. I’ll be leading the defense on the frontline. I’ll die for the future of our people if I have to.”

Grizla’s arm fell from his shoulder as a sad smile crossed her lips. “I know you will, Rhun. That’s why I worry.”


Chapter 57

Leopold was humming the same tune again. The same one he had hummed the day before and the day before that and the day before that. When Rhun and his people departed, Leopold and the survivors from City One were left with only one task; fixing the gates.

The survivors from the platform would be returning quickly. If the gates were not able to close, their plan would fail. The city and all those in it would be open for attack against the deadly machines.

Now with Jerrick and Alice on lookout for any roaming robots, Jordan and Leopold were inside the small guardhouse containing the city gate’s controls. The room was stuffy and Leopold’s humming reverberated off the walls, echoing into the stillness.

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