Day 40-2: Monopoly

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   "Hearts. Hearts. Hearts."

   "Silence yourself, Uno. You're driving me madder than the hatter."

   The secret entrance from above the foyer of the main room is uncomfortably small. The room below can't be any darker, and all the frilly curtains and paintings are thick with over a decade of grime. The light's are dimmed, almost purposefully, masking the crimson carpet leading from the entrance in a large s-shape. The pungent smell of ammonia and rotting flesh can't be any more displeasing.

   Two entities are present in the main room. A girl sprawled across the main sofa, knocking back a large drink. The other remains hidden by the walls encasing this upstairs balcony.

   It'd be normal to question how in the world Orian was able to find this place, but the answer becomes obvious in an instant.

   They aren't the only ones here.

   "General Paola is so gorgeous!"

   "I wish General Uno would look over here!"

   The pushy behaviour of both the male and female servants of the palace become excruciating. Leda wriggles out from underneath the gaggle of bodies, manoeuvring her way over to where Orian is seated against the wall.

   "Does this happen often here?" she inquires, joining him. "If they scream like that the generals will figure out we're in here."

   "I'm sure they can already tell," Orian replies, cradling his injured hand. "But they don't seem to mind. I hear they never do."

   Leda brings her knees to her chest. "There's no way we can eavesdrop on their conversation if there are this many people screaming..."

   A shadow looms over Leda from overhead. She rotates her head. Beaming from ear to ear, a freckle-faced male crouches before her.

   "You're quite the cutie," he says. "Want to get married?"

   "Hell no."

   Quite dramatically, he grasps his chest and teeters over until he hits the ground. Leda furrows her eyebrows, unable to wipe the disgust that has penetrated the majority of her face.

   "The fiftieth rejection!" His cry is drowned by the gushing of others ahead. "My heart!"

   Watching him squirm like he's been shot, Leda turns to Orian. "Who's the idiot?"

   Orian laughs lightly. "He's—"

   "—Estan Rez, the dude who's been showing Nairo the ropes since he started working here." He wraps an arm around Orian's shoulder, drawing him closer to himself. With renewed vigour, he sends Leda a wink. "You look rather new, too. I did hear we had a new maid join the ranks but who knew she'd be a gem like you."

   The similar vibes to Avel rubs Leda the wrong way. She fights the goosebumps that make an appearance on her arms. "Are all Hearts this flirty?" she genuinely asks.

   "Depends who your type is," Estan responds with his goofy smile. "And you're definitely mine—"

   "He's flirty but I think he's a good guy," Orian reassures her, shutting him up by pushing his face in the opposite direction. 

   "'I think?' Way to be a someone's wingman, Nairo," Estan mumbles. He sits criss-crossed, rubbing at his face. He parts his eyelids, revealing a ruby shade Leda doesn't expect. Is he a hybrid? His fixes his eyes to her, a twinkle appearing in them. "I didn't catch your name, did I?"

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