Day 39-6: Euchre

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   Ro's and a Number's weapons clash with enough force to quake the room itself. The rest of the palace guards waste no opportunity to ambush him, all the while the mastermind stands where he is, watching this all unfold in unparalleled amusement.

   Leda barely avoids a slice to the jaw, if not for Hadey yanking her out of the way in time. Her mind is still a torrential mess.

   "Nixon, what's going on?" she demands from the simpering man. "Why are you working with the Queen's men?"

   "You still don't understand?" he sneers. "Providing small talk will serve no purpose, so I'm not sure I want to indulge your ignorance. But, if you truly are clueless, how about I give you a hint?"

   His bears a full-gummed smirk.

   "The plague going through Edaps— It was all my doing."

   Leda's heart falls.

   Ro knocks the Numbers down one by one, in unbelievable speed and precision, without leaving them the opportunity to use their magic. In the blink of an eye, he aims the sharp end of his blade at Nixon's neck. "What do you mean by that? Explain yourself!"

   Despite his perilous situation, Nixon doesn't waver nor lose composure. An uppity grin takes up three quarters of his face, and he whistles.

   "The Heart prince's serum really does work wonders. You've regained every last bit of your strength." His eyelids taper. "But it seems your skills have dulled quite a bit."

   Before Leda can make sense of anything, blood splatters into the air. Collapsing onto a knee, Ro hitches a gasp, clenching his arm.

   "Ro!" Leda barrels to his side in an instant. The crimson that seeps through the ripped fabric and gaping wound on his left shoulder is copious, and leaves Leda lightheaded.

   Nixon, flicking the fresh blood off his halberd, prattles on, "Back before the downfall of Edaps, you could've easily evaded that. Don't tell me your poor health these last few months dulled your fighting abilities? Or is it that—you're still feeling sympathetic toward an enemy who's made their malice clear?"

   "Jack Nixon..."

   "Don't look at me so hopelessly, Your Highness. Your softheartedness is the reason your brothers are leaps and bounds stronger than you. They would've already grasped the situation without me needing to explain it, too. Ah, I would give anything to see their reactions. Too bad they'll be visiting an early grave before I get the chance."

   Grounding his teeth to near shatter, his glare is profound; chilling. It freezes the room itself. "You helped me search for a cure. Went with me on expeditions. Tended to the infected. Did everything to keep Edaps tethered to its last thread. You promised to restore Edaps to its previous glory..."

   "And I'm telling you it was all a lie." Nixon shrugs and shakes his head. "You're too kind, Your Highness. Kindness like that gets taken advantage of. During our trip here, I'm sure the little lady learned that well."

   He sneers at Leda. Her nails dig into her palm as she equally glares back.

   "Though your kindness is admirable, let's pray it doesn't come back to bite you."

She cranes her neck at once. "Huh?"

He spares her one last smile over his shoulder. "Just an old man's rambling," he excuses. "Come on. Let's return upstairs."

   That day on the ship... She played it off as a piece of lighthearted advice. But, he knew this all would happen from the beginning, didn't he?

   "I hadn't anticipated being attacked by that stupid guard," Nixon comments, as if reading her thoughts. "The Queen guaranteed my safety, after all. But once taken to the palace dungeon, she freed me and even apologized for that grim reaper's mistake."

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