Avelious: Descent to Madness

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This is a flashback chapter concerning Avel. It contains mentions of especially dark/gore-y topics (torture, death, etc.), but if you've read this far, you already know Hearts are very messed up,,,

I know this story has been real, real dark lately but next chapter onwards things will start looking up, promise (I'm kinda concerned, as even I didn't expect my ideas to go this far, so hopefully you guys are okay with this level of darkness/gore. Please tell me if I'm getting out of hand lol)



~13 years ago~

He cracks open his eyes to better percieve his situation. Blackness engulfs him, leaving him blind to everything in his vicinity. Motionless, restrained. He's as good as dead, a lamb awaiting slaughter.

No matter his attempts to wrench his arms free, the narrow straps dig deeper into his flesh. His strength ebbs, he breathes at longer intervals, and his heart beats in painstakingly slow rhythms.


   "M...other..." He can barely make out the blurry figure before him—process his croaky whisper. "Is that you?"

   The hand that cups his cheek answers it straightaway. "My dear," she coos, tilting his chin and forcing his gaze to hers, "your eyes are all swollen from crying. I take it you've had enough time to reflect upon your actions, correct?"

   "Yes, Mother."

   Amidst this dark and musty cellar, the Queen of Hearts' wide smile is astoundingly bright. "You won't dare ask to go outside and play with the other children will you?"

   "No. I'll stay inside. I'll study my magic. I promise I'll do anything you say." Fresh tears stream from his eyelids, stinging the cuts and bruises of his face. One by one, they plop to the ground—a place he yearns for his feet to touch. The chains binding all four of his limbs dangle him from the roof, and clatter as he attempts to move. However, through the pain, and his minimal strength, it's futile. "So," he pleads again, pathetically to his mother, "please let me go. It hurts. It really, really hurts."

   "Does it now? My, that's amazing."

   "I can't feel my arms. I—I... think they're broken."

   Estelle reaches for his thin arm. "Broken? Of course not. I only asked the guards to make it hurt as much."

   Still smiling, she gently caresses his aching limb, as if willing the pain disappear.

   Then, in her next heartbeat, she snaps it.

   The pain is unbearable. Nausea swallows him in one fell swoop, and even without seeing his now deformed arm, hanging limp in its bind, he screeches. Uncontrollably. Pathetically. The child can't do nothing but vomit over the floor all over again.

   "See, now this is what a broken arm feels like. Do you understand the difference, my dear?"


   "Avelious, think closely to what kind of pain you're in and answer me this," Estelle coos, stabbing her nails so deep into his shoulder blade she nearly yanks it off. "Do you love me?"

   "Y-yes, Mother."

   "If I break your other arm will you still love me?"

   He shakes, reeling away. "P-p-please no. I-I don't want th-that—AHH!?"

   "Avelious," she says, watching him writhe with a loving blush crossing her cheeks, "now that I've broken both your arms, do you still love me?"

   He can barely see straight anymore.

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