Get Off My Doorstep

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 I usually loved Christmas, but because I was so uncomfortable, everything was terrible. My back always hurt and my little lady constantly kept me up at night with her gymnastics routine. It was literally like she was so cramped in there that she was trying to burst through my belly.

"Hang in there, Momma. Only three more weeks," Mom said, holding the front door open for me.

I stomped the snow off my boots before stepping inside. It was perfectly dark and the snow was falling. We were in the middle of a blizzard, but Mom was insistent on going to the fancy church downtown like we did every Christmas Eve. The church pew did a number on my already-sore back.

I kicked off my boots, waddled into the living room, and plopped down on the couch. I grabbed the remote off the arm of the sofa and turned on the fireplace, where all five of our stockings were hanging up. Before we moved, we had no fireplace, so Mom would hang up our stockings on the handle of the oven.

"Owee! Owee!" said Ollie, prancing over in his plaid Christmas vest. "Up! Up!"

"No Ollie, not now," I said.

"Up! Up!" he said, tugging on my leggings.

"No. I'm too big and you're too heavy! I literally can't, little man," I said.

"Here. Big sis to the rescue," Chrys said, walking in with Blaze. She had both of the boys' sippy cups filled with milk. She set Blaze down and then put Ollie on my lap. "Ah, there we go."

Chrys sat down and handed Blaze his cup. He took it and started chugging away.

"Yay!" Ollie said, leaning into me.

He always loved snuggling my bump. It was the cutest thing. When he didn't accidentally spit up on me, half the time. He wrapped his arms around my belly and rested his head right at the top.

"Ollie? What's that?" I asked. "Can you say 'baby'? Bay-bee?"

"Baba!" Ollie said with a big smile.

"Close enough," I said, giggling with Chrys. "I feel like shit. How did you manage to do this with two of them?"

"With a great support system," she said, grabbing the TV remote. "I'm gonna put on the weather channel and see what's up with all this snow. They said it would only be flurries but there's almost half a foot out there now."

"Sounds about right," I said, tousling Ollie's mop of curly hair. He looked so much like Chrys.

"Here Ollie," Chrys said, showing him the sippy cup.

Ollie let out an "Ooo!" and immediately left my lap to get to Chrys.

The weather channel started going, and we watched all the info about the new snowstorm. Chrys had one of the boys on each side of her.

Then the doorbell rang.

"What the hell?" I asked. "We're not expecting anyone, right?"

"No," Chrys said.

"Can someone grab that! I've got my whole hand inside of a chicken at the moment!" Mom said from the kitchen.

"I've got it," I said, using the armrest to help me get to my feet.

"No! Let me!" Chrys said.

"You have work and school all the time. You hardly ever get to see the boys. I'll give whoever's bugging us a piece of my angry, pregnant mind."

"Oh, maybe it's carolers! I've always wanted to have them come to our door!" Mom said.

I waddled down the hall and over towards the front door. I flicked on the porch light, just to make sure it wasn't a crazy robber or something. It definitely wasn't. Actually, it was far from it.

I balled up one of my hands into a fist and opened the door with the other. The shivering figure looked down at me, her eyes wide, like she saw a ghost or something.

"What the hell do you want, Olsanna?" I asked, my voice firm.

"P-please, P-Poppy, I need to get inside," she said, holding herself as she shivered.

She was wearing thin leggings and a sweater. No jacket, no gloves. Her long, platinum blond hair was soaking wet from the snow. She had a pair of soaked running shoes on her feet.

"Oh, for what? How did you even get my address, huh?"

"J-Jace's ph-phone," she said in-between her teeth chattering.

"You've got some nerve coming here, you know that?" I said. "You're technically trespassing. I could call the cops if I really wanted to." She shook her head. "You're only here to start trouble! I don't know what it is that you want, nor do I care. Get off my doorstep you lousy slut!"

"Poppy, tell the carolers to sing a little bit louder! I can't hear them all the way back here!" Mom said.

I looked at Olsanna, shivering and helpless. I could only imagine Jace hiding behind one of the bushes by the walkway. I bet they had some kind of operation where they'd send in Olsanna to steal all Blaze and Ollie's presents. Olsanna would snatch them and then Jace would drive the getaway car, then make it seem like he got all those presents for the boys.

"Poppy! Who is that?" Mom asked, he voice echoing down the hall.

"No one!" I said, attempting to slam the door. Chrys, who somehow got behind me without me hearing, stopped me. She held onto the door, pulling back as I tried to push it forward. "Hey, do you have any idea who this is? Cut it out!"

"No! You cut it out!" Chrys said, pulling the door open. She was always the taller and stronger one. "It's twenty degrees out. She'll get frostbite."

"And I've got deep scars of trauma for what she's done to Destiny and I. Serves her right," I said.

"Stop being a brat." Chrys unlocked the storm door and held it open. "Come on in. I'll get you a blanket and a towel so you can dry off."

"Th-thank you," Olsanna said, stepping inside.

Chrys walked off to grab the towels from the linen closet by our bedrooms. I put my arms out, blocking the hall.

"If you wanna get in my house, you've gotta go through me!" I said.

"I'm not here to start trouble. I'm here to get away from it," she said.

"I'm gonna ask you again. Why are you here?" I asked, tapping my foot.

"I ran away from Jace," she said, still trembling. "He was holding me captive." 

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