A Surprise in the Limo

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I raised my bouquet in the air and tried not to trip on my dress. Guests lined up down the concrete steps of the old church. Chase and I made our way down to the big stretch limousine in a shower of bubbles. The driver held the door open for us, and Chase helped me get the long train of my dress in. 

When I looked inside the limo, a big smile came across my face. A bag was placed in the back seat, just like I planned. It was purple with blue and pink tissue paper sticking out of it.

    "Check it out, someone left us a little gift!" Chase said.

    "Not just someone, your brand new wife," I said.

    "Aww, thanks Gumdrop...but I feel bad that I didn't get you anything."

    "You  stayed out of my way and let me do whatever I wanted for the wedding. That was enough of a gift. This was the least I could do for you," I said, trying to stop smiling so much.

    He placed the bag on his lap, put the tissue paper to the side, and pulled out a small box. His eyes went left to right as he read the description, growing wider with every word. 

"A sneak peek test?" he asked, his face a mixture of happiness and confusion.

    "I'm only ten weeks along, but I couldn't wait. It says it's ninety-nine percent accurate," I said, grinning ear to ear. "So, are you gonna open it or not?"

    He looked into the bag and raised an eyebrow, pulling out a second test.

    "You're kidding? Again?" he asked. I nodded, holding back happy tears so I didn't ruin my mascara...again. Chase eagerly opened the first test. "Another girl!"

    He hugged and kissed me.

    "Open the other one!" I said.

    He ripped the box open and pulled out the test. I'd never seen his smile so bright in my entire life.

    "Yes! A boy!" he said, giving me another kiss. "I can't believe this! First I marry the best girl in the world and now I find out I'm having twins. This is the best day of my life!"

    "Well I figured I'd let you know now, before the slide of the ultrasound comes up at the end of the video we're going to show to everyone at the reception," I said. "Also, give Daisy a round of applause for keeping this a secret for the entire week."

    "Well played," Chase said. "And I will."

I leaned over and he held me in his arms, still staring in amazement at the tests in his lap. 

    "Hey, I know it's early, but I was thinking of still sticking with the flower themed names," I said.

    "That sounds good to me," Chase said. "I bet you have some in mind already, don't you?"

"I want the boy to be Watson, like the watsonia flower, and for the girl to be Violet."

    "Daisy, Watson, and Violet. Three perfect names for three perfect kids, and the perfect wife who's carrying them," he said, looking into my eyes. "Our lives are so amazing. I can't wait to keep growing our little family with you."

    I placed his hand on my itty bitty baby bump. "I think I'm good with the three kids."

    "You know what? Me too," he said, putting his arm around me. "Hey, I love you, Mrs. Hetcher."

    "And I love you too, Mr. Hetcher!" I said, looking out the window as we pulled up to the banquet hall. "Oh great, we're here. I'm starving!"

    Chase giggled and said, "You're perfect."

    "So are you," I said.

    The limo pulled up to the reception hall as the sun was setting. Our three hundred guests were waiting for us, all in a big line with sparklers in their hands. It was like everything was coming to an end in a big finale of a party.

    Getting pregnant at fifteen, hustling for years, raising a special needs child, along with months and months of wedding planning. Yet somehow, after all this, it felt like our journey was just beginning.


A big thanks to everyone who has read this book, especially all of you who commented and voted week after week. All these years of writing and I never knew, until this book, what it was like to have dedicated readers. 

I hope to see some of you at the Happily Ever Aster chapter 1 premiere on Friday, November 13th 2020. Until then, I'll miss you! 

Lots of love, 


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