On Top of The World

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 It was a beautiful spring day in New York City. I took in a breath of air and stretched my legs, then took Daisy's carrier out of the rental van. The best part of this trip was that we could all go together. My whole entire family was here. Mom, Chrys and the kids, along with me and little Daisy, who was three months old now, and adorable as ever.

Daisy's motor skills weren't quite where they were supposed to be, which was expected, but she was the queen of smiles. Compared to all the kids I babysat, and even with Ollie and Blaze, Daisy was the smiliest baby I'd ever seen. She also loved to giggle.

"Oh no, I hope Chase doesn't mind that we're late for lunch. I knew we should've taken the backroads!" Mom said, checking the time on her phone.

"I let him know. It's fine," I said.

Chrys got Blaze and Ollie out of their carseats and into their stroller. We found a parking garage down the block from the restaurant, since we got here too late to park at Chase's new apartment.

"You know, I'd seen pictures but I didn't think it was going to be this big!" Mom said, pointing at the World Trade Center the second we got out of the garage.

"It's the biggest building in the city, Mom! What did you expect?" I said.

"Not that," she said.

We went on the crowded sidewalk and waited to cross the street. Once the signal changed, we crossed and tried to stay together in the big lump of other people. I looked up and watched as the sun's rays reflected off of the Trade Center. It was so monumental and beautiful. No wonder Chase wanted us to see it.

We got to the entrance of the building and found ourselves standing in a huge line behind all the tourists waiting to get in.

"Well, this isn't great," Chrys said.

"Hold on, I'll get this taken care of," I said.

I saw the security officer standing by the doorway. I waved my arms to get his attention. He eventually saw me and came right over.

"What seems to be the problem here?" he asked.

"Yeah, hey, we're here to meet someone and we're stuck in this big line," I said. "Care to help us out?"

"Depends. Tell me the person you're here to meet," he said.

"Chase Hetcher," I said.

His expression changed immediately. "Yes, we're expecting you. Right this way."

We followed him as we cut in front of everyone and went straight to the security checkpoint. Daisy was far from thrilled that I had to take her out of her carrier to walk through the metal detector, but she quieted down once I bounced her a bit.

Once we were all through the metal detectors, we got all the babies back into their strollers and carriers. Then, we cut in front of everyone again. There was a small museum we had to walk through en route to the elevator, which was held for us and only us. We shouted a quick "thank you!" to the officer as the doors shut.

"Well, here we go!" Mom said.

The elevator shot up and the walls all became screens. We all watched like little kids in awe. The screens showed the entire evolution of New York City, all the way from back when people first lived there, until now.

The elevator came to a slow stop at the end of the movie, then the doors opened. The first thing I saw was the water, with a teeny tiny skyline down below. We were all instantly at the window, looking way, way down below.

"I've always wanted to take you two to do something like this," Mom said, snapping a few pictures. "Better late than never."

"Ya did good, Mom," Chrys said.

"Thanks. I tried...even though it technically wasn't me who was able to get us into this situation," she said. "Oh, we need to go find Chase! We have the whole weekend to look at the skyline."

We walked around the corner, past the gift shop and the crowds of people huddling together at the windows. Some were holding up interactive tablets that told them about all the buildings in the city.

We made our way to the hostess out in front of the restaurant. She looked up and gave me a nice smile.

"Hi, we're with," I lowered my voice so nobody around could hear. "Chase Hetcher."

"Oh, yes, right this way, ladies," she said.

She brought us around the corner to a private room with a panoramic view of the city, where Chase was sitting at the table. He got up from his seat as soon as he saw us. He immediately came over so he could see Daisy.

"There's Daddy's little princess!" he said, picking her right up.

Of course, she threw a fit when I picked her up, but because it was Chase it was no big deal, apparently. She was going to be such a spoiled little daddy's girl.

We got everyone set up at the table. Chase asked us about our drive down while he held and snuggled his daughter, who he hadn't seen in two weeks. I watched as Chrys shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

I could tell how much it bothered her that Chase was a good dad and Jace wasn't, especially now that the custody battle with Jace was reopened. I was only distracted by Daisy, who was getting fussy.

"She's hungry. Give," I said, motioning with my hands.

I took one of the bottles out of my diaper bag and started feeding Daisy. When she was all set, I could finally start drinking the soda in front of me.

"So, since we're all here, I...well, I'll just come right out with it. How do you guys feel about me dating again?" Mom asked.

The gulp of soda in my mouth was about to fly all over the table. I swallowed it and tried to catch my breath.

"What was that?" Chrys asked.

"I know it's kind of a shock since I never dated after your father but—"

"I think it's a terrific idea, Miss E," Chase said, slightly nudging me with his elbow under the table.

"I don't think it's a bad idea. It's not like that at all. It's just...really surprising," Chrys said. "I knew you guys were talking but I didn't think you'd ever start dating again."

"There's a whole lot of surprises at this table," Mom said, chuckling to herself. "I figured you all wouldn't mind if I added one more."

"Who is it? Is it that Michael guy? It's him, isn't it?" I asked.

For the first time in my whole life, I watched as my mother shied away and blushed.

Chrys smiled. "You really like him, don't you?"

"I...well, I—"

"Go out with him," Chrys said.

"And why are you asking us for permission. Last time I checked, you were the adult here," I said.

"Well it used to feel that way, but you both look so grown up, sitting here at the table with your own kids. It makes me feel so...old."

"Mom you're not even forty yet," I said.

"You don't look a day over thirty-five, if you asked me," Chase said.

"Weird, it's almost like you were at my birthday party, Chase," she said, and we all had a laugh.

I placed Daisy back in her carrier as the waiters came in with our appetizers. Chrys proposed a toast, so we all clinked our glasses and drank before digging into the platter in front of us.

At that moment, we were all figuratively and literally, on top of the world. I don't think we would've rather been anywhere else. This was right where we all belonged. 

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