Ch.7 - Release

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 “…REALLY?!” The doctor jumped slightly at their unison reaction.

“Yes. He has healed sufficiently and has become much more dependent. The rest of the healing must be done with the influence of family…with you guys. The best place for him to heal in such is somewhere familiar to him. His home is the best place for that.” The doctor explained. Needless to say, the guys were ecstatic. Ren and Clear were the first to celebrate, hugging each other into a spin while cheering. Mink sighed in relief as he turned to call Noiz and Mizuki to let them know. Koujaku couldn’t stop smiling. After a long discussion, they all decided that Aoba would go back living in his normal house with Ren, much to Clear’s wish to have Aoba come live with him and Mink. The next morning Noiz came back earlier than expected, and started to accomplish the paperwork to release Aoba from the hospital. Ren brought Aoba some clothes to change into; a dark blue long sleeved shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers. (He thought that his usual boots were too heavy for the weather) Aoba looked at Ren curiously, as he did seem happier than usual. His happy smile usually gave him shivers, as smiles meant that people had ideas, but for some reason, Ren’s smile was calming instead of threatening.

“Come on Aoba, you ready?” Ren asked as he offered his hand. Aoba stared at his hand and gently took it, following Ren down the stairs to where the rest of the boys were at.

“If he relapses don’t hesitate to bring him in. We have him on record and will be able to reenter him without a problem.” The doctor assured, Noiz signing the final paper before handing it over.

“Thank you.” Noiz said. Just then Aoba and Ren came walking into the entrance area.

“Aoba-san! Good morning!” Clear said cheerfully as he hurried over to Aoba and extended his arms for a hug. He had learned that until things went back to normal, hugging him straight out might freak him out, and so he has started to ask permission before doing anything with Aoba. Aoba blinked a few times. He didn’t know how to respond. Was it a command? Aoba instead took Clear’s hand and gently shook it. Clear smiled happily regardless.

“Come on guys, let’s head home.” Koujaku called. Clear and Ren happily strolled with Aoba to the rest, and waving goodbye at the doctor, the group walked to their next destination. They hadn’t brought Aoba over to his home since he got here, even in the outside visits. They were afraid that Aoba would ask for Tae, and they wouldn’t know how to respond. Even now they didn’t know what they will do if he asks for her. They were honestly too happy to even think about it.

“Aoba.” Mink’s voice brought the young boy out of thought and looked over at Mink, but didn’t make any eye contact. “Are you feeling alright?” A simple question. Aoba had to think it for a while, its meaning and what to respond, before he gently nodded in response. Mink smiled. “Good.” Aoba had yet to talk a lot, or at least do conversations. He would usually either talk to himself, mention a thing or two, but nothing to anyone at specific. He would only response to questions and to comments with shrugs, nods and shakes of a head. They hoped Aoba would eventually talk to them again, like they used to.

“We’re here.” Noiz said. Aoba stopped walking as he glanced up at the building. It was familiar. So very familiar. He could remember, but at the same time not. If he did he didn’t knew how to communicate it, and when he knew then the thought would be lost. With a slight tap on the back, Aoba was propped into the property. Ren hurried over to the door, much to his surprise, it was open.

“Aw dammit, did I…” Ren started, only for his sentence to be finished with Aoba.

“…forget to lock the door again?” Everyone turned their gazes to Aoba, who seemingly had said it unintentionally, as when he snapped back into reality, he shrunk nervously at the gazes being drawn at him. Koujaku was the first to notice he felt out of place, and he quickly corrected it.

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