1.1 kebab on a stick

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"Sorry about that, me and
my best friend were debating over who'd go for a
shower first? well, one thing led to another
and we started to play fighting"

The slimmer boy explained, his eyes were dark brown but they shined the way red eyes would've if they existed. The other one scratched the back of his veiny neck in embarrassment.

"I'm Park Seonghwa by the way"


Seonghwa smiled, looking over at the so-named Wooyoung, hoping he'd open his mouth to talk. He looked up at the silence and took his role

"Hey, I'm Jung Wooyoung, but

you can call me Wooyoung for short"

"So you're our roommates huh?
well, we'll take the room
y'all don't want.
hurry up and choose!"

he said folding his arms and smiling at them. Zoya noticed how kinder he was compared to the last individual she came across.

Kim Hongjoong, she found the boy's name to be - "bold king; to be the center of the wide world"
pushhh, more like the non-pitiful slave of the pit and center of hell. the hottest and most burning part - that's where he belonged.

even though she was forced to sit beside him during a few classes and neither of them talked, it was just his presence that seemed to buzz the girl like a fly that you can never swat. every word, movement, and breath he performed seemed to infuriate her to no end.

she snapped out of the thoughts about the devil as she noticed a Wooyoung getting uncomfortable with where her eyes were placed.

at first, she ignores, then reality hits her...

Her innocent eyes were straight up looking at his abdomen, and the fact she was unaware made it more uncomfortable.

she choked on her spit as he let out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?"


A small smile with pursed lips forms on him. while she looked down... as she should.

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