Back and Forth | 21

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"What? I couldn't possibly leave a girl like you all alone here." Jimin shrugged.

"THAT'S what you have to say after almost giving me a fucking heart attack. You could've texted me, could've called me, COULD'VE DONE ANYTHING to tell me that you were still here. Why terrify me into thinking someone broke in?" I ranted, he just chuckled.

"And excuse me, what exactly is a girl like me?" I raised my eyebrow, expecting something offensive to come out his mouth.

"A beautiful frail looking girl that could become a target for any guy?" He tilted his head making me choke on thin air.

"Plus we're in a foreign country, if something happened there would be no one for you to call." He said, I just, stared at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"I just, missed this." I sighed, uttering whatever.


"Talking to you. I missed it. I just thought you were still sticking to that thing you told me the other day. About, going back to normal." I looked down.

"Oh I am. There's a fine line between us going back to normal, and me just staying here in case of emergency. You didn't, possibly think this meant something did you?" He said.

"No. You're just, confusing me Jimin." I replied, walking past. He could've worded it more sweetly, because in short he did come here to keep me safe. Ah what was I expecting him to say...

I opened the food I bought in my room, not once checking up on Jimin, or even caring about if he was hungry. Why should I? He's a grown adult and can do shit by himself. Ah what am I kidding I've been his assistant for years it was my job to take care of him.

I slowly opened my door to see him watching TV in the living room. I tiptoed to see the table in front of him, hoping to see an empty plate to indicate to me that he had already eaten.


"I guess I could share my food with him." I thought, staring down at the bag of food. Finally making up my mind to share it, I headed into the living room. Setting the junk food down, it was basically the easts version of a happy meal.

"I already ate." He told me making me quickly pick up the bag again.

"HAH, did you possibly think I was going to share MY food with YOU. Ahahahahhahahaaa, keep dreaming dickhead. I just wanted to watch TV," I quickly came up with an excuse, hugging the bag while plopping down onto the sofa next to him.


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"Whatever." He sighed, keeping his eyes on the TV, watching some drama he found with Korean subtitles.

I ate the whole thing sitting beside him, slowly falling asleep there, completely forgetting to disinfect my wound, which was really really important after that man touched it.

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