Embarrasment- Yakulev (fluff)

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(Might as well do some fluff to cover the unholyness, this is also kind of a continuation of the kurroken)

Yakus POV

"Oh my god! (Asahi 😳) is Kenma hurt?!" I facepalmed at Levs stupidity.

"No stupid. It was sex."

"Oh... Wait, WHAT?!" he looked back at me with a surprised face. This idiot I swear.

"This is awkward.... " We originally came to visit them and see if Kurro was behaving cause I don't trust him living alone with Kenma. I was right not to trust him cause THIS is what we find them doing. I start to knock on the door violently.

"Yaku calm down you're gonna break the door!"

"I don't care. LET ME IN!"

Kenma POV

Well Kurros about time die, fun. I'm still trapped in Kurros arms and I guess he's asleep since he can't hear the loud knocking.

"Kurro let me go. Kurro. KURRO" No use. He's too comfy like this and I can't get out. Even if I could I need clothes cause I'm not going out naked... Wait. If they could hear up with er- that. Maybe they can hear me right now.

"THE MAT- THE KEY UNDER THE MAT-" and great now I'm stuck even more. Hopefully they get it.

yakus POV

The... Key?? Oh the cliche key under the door. Welp I got the key now to walk in. Hopefully it wasn't on the couch so we don't walk in on a naked Kurro and Kenma.

I walk inside with Lev behind me and luckily they weren't on the couch.

"Huh? Where are they?" Lev started looking around but I grabbed onto him before he could walk upstairs.

"If they're not down here they're obviously upstairs. You heard what they were doing and if Kenma wasn't able to open the door I don't wanna know why" I turned around and dragged him to the couch still with horror on my face after remembering what had just happened.

I guess Lev was tired of waiting cause he just randomly grabbed onto me and brought me to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and it almost brought me to sleep. But I jolted awake once I heard foot steps. Right, we're in Kurros house not ours.

"Wow you guys were just sitting there like a couple... " Right I forgot they don't know. I looked up to see Kenma fully washed and clothed, at least he's clean now. I won't lie I wasn't here ONLY to hang out with them. But Lev has been begging for others to find out so we don't have to keep it a secret. I didn't want to cause since high school they teased that we'd end up together and I denied it, guess they were right since I'm here now.

"So... Why are you here?" Kenma sat across from us looking bored as hell. It's weird to see him without his video games.

"Well we-"

"Shut it. I wanna hear Yaku talk." Kenma glared at Lev and he slumped down in his chair sad.

"Well uh kinda better Lev speaks since I don't wanna explain..." I looked down figiting with my sleeves. Level didn't seem to mind though.

"Okay well uh... Me and Yakutat are kinda.. " Kenma furrowed his eyebrows seeming impatient

"Dating? I knew it, KURRO GIVE ME THE 50 DOLLARS" I looked at Kenma shocked.

"YOU BET MONEY ON US??" I shouted at Kenma but he didn't look phased.

"Yea, you both were bound to get together. " We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and it was Kuroo. Looking angry while holding a 50 dollar bill. My god...

"So you and Lev huh?" I nodded and turned back to Kenma who snatched the 50 dollars smirking. Lev was still quiet.

"Why didn't you tell us in the first place?"

"Well cause you always teased us and I felt embarrassed" I covered my face with my hands trying to hide my embarrassment.

"How long has this been going on?" Lev finally spoke for once because he always keeps track of how long it's been since we started dating, or making useless anniversary days.

"It's been about a year, I confessed on my senior year." I smiled looking down and me and I smiled back uncovering my face.

"But like going to the real questions... Have you guys ever done it?" I was shocked at Kurros sudden question...

"Why are you asking that, it's none of your business..! " I was blushing furiously about to hit Kurro till Lev grabbed me resting me on his lap.

"Oh my god. LET GO OF ME LEV"I turned around and started punching him on the chest.

" Ow ow ow okay okay!" He laughed and set me down.

"Jeez you look like na angry baby haha!" I glared at Lev and he shut up.

"Even as a couple you two really are the same" We both looked at Kenma and Lev being a dumbass apparently didn't learn.

"Well when we're back at home he's supere clingy and-" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Anyways we gotta be going now that's all we came here for sorry!" I dragged Lev out the door and before I closed it I heard Kurro say

"Be careful Yaku, Lev might try something on you~! " I blushed right after slamming the door and leaving and headed towards our house.

~time skip brought to you by milkbread~

Once I opened the door I slumped onto the couch blushing furiously with Kurros words stuck in my brain. Suddenly u felt two arms around my waist bringing me into a hug. It was Lev cradling me and playing with my hair.

"Still embarrassed about what Kurro said?" I nodded and Lev hummed. I turned around to face Lev and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"See what I meant? You're clingy when we're at home!"

"Oh shut up... " I glanced up at Lev and he kissed me. Not like our normal short ones, this one actually felt right. My heart fluttered at the feeling of the lips of the man I loved touching mine. Lev was truly the one for me and now I don't feel all that embarrassed anymore...

Okay uh finally done.. This was 1000 words! Anyways, if you have any requests you can go back to the request chapter and put it there :)

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