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That's what I can smell right now.

I opened my eyes to reveal my surroundings and I wasn't wrong, I am indeed inside a barn.

I stood up and dusted off the hays around my dry clothes... Wait for what?

There was a storm last night, how come am I wearing these dry clothes, which smell nice.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake."
The stranger clapped his hands and made some dramatic noises.

I remember Nico from him.

"Oh, I didn't get to introduce myself properly. My name is Ben and welcome to the barn where Roger lives."

"Uh, is that him?" I pointed at the stallion behind him, looking at me like I am his supper.

"Yep. Oh, and about the clothes, they're from my sister." He kindly smiled.

So he was the one who undressed me from my wet clothes last night... wait what?!

"Shh shh, don't even start shouting. First, of all, I didn't have a choice but to change your clothes last night. Second of all, sweetheart, I am attracted to men." He deadpanned.

"That makes the two of us then." I nodded and sat at the hay.

"So, where am I?"

"Welcome to the Pembleton Palace."


"So we need to pass two kingdoms just to be here?"

"That's right missy. Actually, I am surprised that you have the guts to go out."

I and Ben are just walking in the palace's garden. He said some information about the kingdom and who runs it.

"I didn't get your name?"

"Oh, it's just N- Jeanne. I'm Jeanne." I offered my hand which he gladly accepts.

"Nice to meet you, Jeanne. You see, I think we're meant to see each other."

"Oh yeah?" I smiled at his dorkiness. I am sure Nico and he will be friends.

"Yeah! I mean, you're like me but born in the parallel universe."

"You believe in those?" I shockingly said.

"Yes! My sister hates them though."

"I believe in those too! We're so getting along with each other." I side hugged him.


We both turned around to be met by the guards.

"Prince Benedict, does this person harmed you?" The buff one looked at me cautiously.

"Prince?" I mouthed to Ben.

"That's what I am about to tell you." He muttered to me.

"Indicate your name, outsider."

"Jeanne... Mazza." Close enough.

The guard beside him brought out a piece of paper than looking at me strangely.

"You're name's new to me, you don't have an appointment, you're an outsider."

"Turn around and don't move."

Oh my god, I can't believe this.

I looked back to Ben to ask for his help, but his words to the guards are no use.

"We're taking you the underground. The king will tell your final destiny." The guard showed me his smug smile. How I wish that I can just thrust my pocket knife at him.

"Prince Benedict, your Father asked to let you know that the meeting will start later. Sorry for the inconvenience." The guard formally said to Ben. Damn, he is a saint here.

Ben sadly looked down at his shoes as the guards ushered me to the "Underground."


"You don't look like us. Why are you here?"

I looked at the old lady beside me.

"The guards caught me talking with Prince Benedict."

After I mentioned his name, the prisoners let out a gasp. I looked at them confusedly.

"The Prince? You talked to the prince?"

"Uh...yes? I just said that." I laughed a little and faced the old lady.

"Bless you. I'm surprised that you're still in a complete piece." She shakily grabbed my hands.

"Why? What's wrong with him?" I asked the other people around us. But they seemed to be busy staring at the wall.

The lady closed her eyes as she seems to be reading my palm or something.

Minutes later my hands flew away from her calloused one.

"Heavens, you're not an outsider." She came closer to me and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You'll be the newly reign princess of Mazzo. You're princess Nikole Jeanne Mazzo." She bowed down to me, to be followed by the other prisoners.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I think that's a misunderstanding." I examined the room if there's a chance that the guards are near.

"It's true dear. Your people will praise you. You and your brother Nico. Your kingdom will grow, as the child on your womb grows."

I hastily stepped away from her. All of this can't be true, it's impossible!

"Don't hesitate to do things that you love. Love and cherish her until the day you die."


"Your highness." The deep voices of the guards cut off our conversation.

"Who was it?"

"She's in there, your highness."


The room became silent until a tall figure appeared in front of me and the old lady.

"Well hello there, I heard that you tried to harm my son."


"No sir, we just had a talk that's all." I tried speaking with my polite voice.

"Hmm, you're free then."

I stood up from the dirty concrete with my mouth agape.

"But, you need to do something for my family."

"What's that sir?"

"Be the personal servant of my daughter."

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