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"Jeanne, Miss Tina said that she heard a man's voice inside your bedroom last night."

"Oh really?" I said while cleaning the counter.

"Yeah, and she that she heard the both of know...having..."

I stopped myself from cleaning the counter as I laughed, like a loud one.

"Miss Tina is just horny as you," I said in between my laughter.

This is unbelievable.


"What?" I went back to my usual face.

"Alright. Stop all the chats. Serve the meals." Miss Tina strictly said.

"Yes, Miss Tina." We all said in unison.

I grabbed the first and the second tray.

"You know, you and the prince seems to be close lately." The young servant or also known as Marge said.

"How can you say that."

She seems to be thinking about what to say next because she's walking at a slow pace.

"I follow him every time I get the chance." She whispered.

"That's creepy Marge."

"I know! But I can't stop it! He's just too charming and all."

I noticed that she's losing her focus on the tray.

"Eyes on the food."

We placed the food at the table. This time, no one is here yet.

"So, what's the deal with the both of you?"

She really won't stop.

"Marge, just to be clear, I am not interested in someone and second Ben is gay as fuck."

I heard Marge escaped a loud gasp, making the other maids look at her.

"Shit. Marge, I didn't know that..."

"Just shut it. I need to be alone." She excused herself and left the dining room.

"What happened to her?" Miss Tina asked.

"Uh...period cramps."

She shook her head and went back to her position.

After the commotion, the royal family starts to gather inside the room.

Ben winked at me again. I eyed the space beside me, telling him that a maid left.

He knew that it was Marge, Ben here kinda knew that the girl has feelings for him.

He went back to face his family, what an unbothered queen.

"Your sister will arrive in..."

"Present." The princess herself appeared at the dining hall.

Thank god.

"I'm glad that you finally joined us." The king said.

"It's not because of you Father. I just don't want the maid to climb upstairs to give me the meal you prepared." She eyed me while taking a sip of her coffee.

Did she hear it? I'm so dead.

"Well then, let's start." The queen said.

"Actually, Mother, Father can we invite miss Mazza to dine with us today?" Ben said.

I eyed Ben but he just smiled.

"Oh sure. Where is she?"

"Right there." Ben points at me.

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