Chp. 12

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"People of Mazzo, Nevo, Onyx, and Pembleton, we greet you for being here with us at the coronation day."

"Ladies and gentleman, the candidates for the reign of kingdom Mazzo."

The crowd stood up and clapped their hands and whistled.

"Miss Janna Rose Mazzo, Miss Marly Maja Mazzo, and Miss Nikole Jeanne Mazzo!"

The crowd gets louder when the announcer mentioned my name.

"Shit, we're not going to win Marly," Janna said.

"Who would defeat a hoe who slept with the princess of Pembleton just to earn her people's vote," Marly said out loud, enough for me to hear it.

"You know that I am here right?" I stood still and smiled at the crowd while fighting the urge to slap my sisters.

"We fought our way to make it here while you did nothing! We donated, we fed the filthy poor people and we even gave them our valuable things damn it!" Marly grunted and stomped her feet on the ground.

I stood silent as I ignored their words. I won't let them get into my feelings anymore, just like what Rai told me.

"Silence!" It was Father.

"We received your referendums, your voices. Here's the princess who will reign the kingdom Mazzo."

The crowd grew silent, all of their hands are connected to each other.

"All hail Princess Nikole Jeanne Mazzo! Princess of kingdom Mazzo!"

I dropped to the ground, with my tears threatening to get out of my eyes.

I made it!

"Princess Nikole!" It was Rai who shouted and raised her fist.

"Princesa Nikole!" The crowd chants with her.

I showed her my big smile and a thumbs up.

"Argh! I'll kill you!"

Marly came over to me and punched me straight to the face.

"Marly! That's enough!" Janna said.

"This bitch thinks she deserves everything! You're just a nobody! How can you rule a kingdom!?"

Marly kicked me on my stomach that sends me to the ground.

"That's enough!" It's Rai and behind her is my family.

"Janna, Marly go inside the castle." Father calmly said although anger is evident in his face.

"But Father-"

"No buts, go NOW!"Mother said, pointing her finger to the castle.

"Yes ma'am." They bowed their heads and followed her order.

"I'm sorry if I was too late, the crowd is so massive."

Rai held out a hand for me to reach it.

"That's a great save, thank you."

She smiled and we started again at each other for a minute.

"This kingdom might melt, join us inside please." Father teased.

I and Rai just nodded and went inside the castle where all the rulers of each kingdom are present.

"Congratulations to our princess." The queen of Onyx said.

"Cheers!" The kings roared.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to my parents."

"Uh, they already know me."

"No, not this. You're a princess now." She winked and grabbed my wrist.


"Father, Mother."

The three of them hugged each other.

"Princess Nikole." The king and queen bowed down to me.

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that." I awkwardly smirked.

"You didn't tell us that you're the daughter." The king whispered.

"About that, I am so sorry."

"It's fine, Rainatta here told us about everything."

I mouthed a Thank you to Rai before Father starts to speak again.

"Everyone, may I request to please take all your seats."

The royal families took their seats and happily faced my Father.

"This day, we celebrate the victory of my daughter Nikole. You know, she's not a typical kid. We've been through ups and downs."

Everyone starts to whisper to each other as if they know what happened to me when I was a kid.

Rai held out my hand and offered me her comforting smile.

"I noticed that her personality has changed. That turned to her being good with decisions, brave, and determined. I am so proud of you Nikole, we love you."

Father raised his cup and ordered everyone to raise theirs too.

"To princess Nikole!"

"To princess Nikole!" They chanted.

"Please enjoy the meals."

Father went back to his seat beside Mother and everyone happily enjoyed the feast we prepared.

Meanwhile, Rai rose from her seat.

I looked at her confusedly for the sudden action.

She mouthed I got this

"May I have everyone's attention?"

The families who are busy chatting with each other faced the confident Rai.

"I, Rainatta Margeux Pembleton, princess of kingdom Pembleton asked for your blessing."

"For what sweetheart?" It was her mother.

"Nikole and I wanted to get married and have a family."

The queen and king of Nevo choked while Rai's parents are unbelievable.
staring at the both of us.

"Don't you think that it's too early?" It was Father.

"Your majesty, I've known Nikole since childhood, although she may have forgotten about that. I've spent my days locked inside my room thinking about when will I meet her."

"Long story short, me and Nikole commit the safe feelings, so we want to get married and have a kid...or kids."

"How can you have kids?" The king of Nevo asked.

"Ok, that's enough. As your parents, we give you our blessing, honey." Rai's parents said.

"Thank you." Rai smiled at them.

She eyed my parents for their response.

"Okay." Father breathed in.

"We give you our blessing too."

"Thank you!" I smiled and hugged them.

"What about them?"

All eyes are now focused on the Nevos.

"Of course! Who wouldn't want a powerful set of couples in this country right?" The queen of Nevo said.

They laughed and it seems like everyone's comfortable with it.

"I love you," Rai whispered to me.

"I love you more than anything in this world."

"More than your family?"

"There's...a little bit of difference but yeah."

She smiled and kissed me with passion in front of the royal family.

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