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The next day seemed too normal. With none of that liquid to clean Ra'dok's wound all I could do was wrap it in a new cloth. The wound wasn't looking too promising with its greenish tint. I wondered if those bombs Fo'teer made were still hidden in the kitchen. When we returned to the cell, Mur'ring was still gone.

"I wonder if they killed him," Ra'dok said. "Nah man, don't think like that I'm sure he's just locked away somewhere."

"He's probably dead."

"C'mon man don't say that." We both sat in silence for a second. "Hey man," I said "I found this in the pits today, I want you to have it." I handed Ra'dok the ring I had found. "What's this for?"

"To thank you for being my friend."

"Huh? Look man I preciate'it but I'm not like some of these other slaves I mean were friends but, were not like-"

"Fuck you man, I'm not trying to take your pants off I'm just saying thank you... fuckin' asshole." Ra'dok laughed. "Love you man."

"Love you too man." After another moment of silence I asked, "Do you think those bombs Fo'teer made are still in the kitchen?"

"If I had to guess I'd say yeah... but why?"

"We need to get them."

"How are we gonna do that? and what's the point? If Mur'ring's gone then what are we gonna do?"

"We'll think of something, but we're going to have to sneak in at night."

"Oh yeah? And get attacked by some fuckin' coyotes again?"

"Nah, the house is on a hill with cliffs on both sides, no way a coyote's gonna get up there."

"Yeah, but what about between there and the pits?"

"We'll bring a lantern with us if any show up the fire will scare it."

"How do you expect me to get up a cliff?"

"It wont be that hard, you'll be fine."

"How can you tell? The house is like a mile away from the pits."

"It's not really that far." Ra'dok sighed, "why can't you do it by yourself?" he asked. "I mean I guess I could but, I might need some help and I have no one else I can ask."

"Ask someone in our pits man."

"Oh you mean one of the people we almost got killed the other night? Or maybe I should I ask the guy you smashed with a rock?"

"Whatever man," Ra'dok sighed again.

The next day the sun took forever to set. Thinking of my plan, running the thoughts of what could happen if we get caught through my head made my palms sweat. After a while I decided worrying about it was a waste of energy, what choice did I have? The guards left when the sun fell below the hills behind us. We waited for the other slaves to make their way down the pits so they wouldn't notice our absence, then we made our move for the Master's house. The moon lit the area well enough to see our path. "Man, I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Ra'dok muttered after a couple of howls. "Shut the fuck up, you want a coyote to hear you?" I was more concerned with the glow of fire glowing on our legs from under the shirt we covered the lantern with. I wasn't sure how noticeable it would have been from the height of the guard tower. We made it to the base of the fortress and around to the side with no sign of guards.

We reached the top of the cliff. Standing at the base of the wall we contemplated about getting inside. "The kitchen is near the back of the house, so once were inside were gonna have to make it across the courtyard and up the back wall."

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