Chapter 3: Riley's Restaurant

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Authors Note: I'm so bad at creating names for restaurants! My creativity runs dry when it comes to names in general. Either way, thank you for all the votes and comments! I hope you enjoy!


"Max!" his mother screamed. "Where have you been?"

It only took a second for everyone to know when he was home. The second he transformed back to his human form, his mother was right there to berate him for answers.

"Out," was his only response. It was nice that she waited for him to put on clothes at least. The rumors that werewolves could transform back to humans with their clothes still on was nothing more than a wish that they all knew wouldn't come true.

"Out where?" her blue eyes were ablaze at his answer. Her hair looked like a lion's mane whenever she was mad. The rest of the pack told him that he got that trait from her. Having her same red hair certainly didn't help.

He didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or not.

"Mom, I'm an adult now, not your troubled sixteen-year-old anymore," he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. No matter what, she still saw him as a child. "I can go where I please on my time off and I don't have to tell you everywhere I go."

Of course, he wasn't going to tell her that he snuck out to go see a human. Or that he basically acted like a giant puppy around that human all morning.

Jeez, he really did seem like a child sometimes.

Do you know how adorable you are? He could hear that phrase in his head all day. The sparks still hadn't gone away. It came in waves all over his body. Even though he took his time to get the humans' scent off him and burry the meat that he gave him (It had rotted in the sun) the sensation was still there.

Just by closing his eyes, he could feel those soft hands stroking his head. He could hear that sweet voice going on about anything imaginable. He made sure to try and remember everything that he talked about.

The only thing he didn't know was his name. Maybe he'd stop by that city someday and try to find him.

"You need to get dressed in something nice, Max," his mother hollered from downstairs. He had been daydreaming on his bed for at least an hour now. His feet had felt so light, he couldn't even tell that he had walked to his room.

"Another meeting?" he hollered back. He wasn't feeling up to walking downstairs to have a normal conversation with her. It was another trait that he seemed to share with his mom. They would much rather yell through the house than get up.

His dad hated it. He always yelled at the two of them for doing it. But, when you were born with great hearing, it just made things easier.

"Your Dad and I are having dinner with you in one of the cities tonight. He said it was an order."

Leave it to his dad to order him around. Max learned that the more restless he got, the more his Dad felt like he had to 'reign' him in.

Because, Goddess forbid, he get the title of Alpha before he finds his Luna.

Which brought him back to the other issue: how was he going to tell them that his mate was a human? In the history of their pack, they had never had a human Luna.

And it was a man as well, which meant he wasn't going to be able to have kids. If he were a werewolf, then there was still a chance of the pack accepting him, but the Moon Goddess must have thought that his life had been a little too easy the past few years.

What were her plans with him anyway? First, she makes him wait this long, then she has his mate be a human male?

He was going to have to keep this a secret for now. As long as he could see those bright green eyes sparkling at him every other day, he could live with this secret.

Mateless and Luna Bound (Self Published)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu