Chapter 13: Meet and Greet

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Authors Note: New Characters! Hope you love them as much as I do. If you see any grammar mistakes, please leave me a comment and I'll make sure to fix it. Thank you for reading!


He should have expected this. Max knew he was in for some craziness when he saw Tyler and his mate, Isabelle, sitting in the dining area. They always looked like the perfect couple. His parents came in second. Max hoped that he wouldn't be too obvious around them. He was already pretty obvious at the restaurant. But he had gotten lucky that night, since his parents were interested in watching Charlie too. They were nosy people when they got out into the town. They loved to listen in on gossip of other people and watch what they did or how they talked. It was better than T.V. for them.

The kitchen staff was already putting lunch together when Max and Charlie walked in. Usually everyone ate lunch in their own dining areas and on their own times. This was a big enough house for most families to have their own dining areas. It was just the kitchen that they only had one of. Typically, if their family got bigger, they could ask Max's dad to move into a bigger space, and he would help them. Packs were all one big family anyway. And family always helped family.

The grand dining room that came right after the kitchen, was meant for special occasions. But Max guessed that it hadn't been used in so long that they had to make use of it somehow.

Now he had Tyler, Sam, and Ed sitting together with their respective mates by their side. Along with his parents, that made eight pairs of eyes staring at him as soon as he walked into the room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Locke!" Charlie was the first to break the silence. "It's nice to see you again." The sound of his voice alone seemed to alleviate some attention. Everyone just seemed curious about him. Tyler and Sam recognized him from the second they saw him. But this just made them more curious as to why he was here.

"Charlie!" his dad beamed, "I'm glad to see you walking around again."

"Just trying to say thanks for all the help you've given me," Charlie said as he put down two of the pies.

"Ah, Ed told me you were making pies, but you didn't have to do this for us," He tried to look serious, but his eyes kept looking towards the steaming pies. The smell was already filling up the room. That mixed in with Charlie's scent was absolutely heavenly.

"It was more fun than anything," Charlie said, giving them all a big smile.

"Everyone," His dad mind linked with them, "This is the human that's been staying with us for a week now."

"Why have we only been told this now?" Tyler asked. His brown eyes glared at Max and he felt slightly guilty for not telling his future Beta sooner.

"Because I wanted it to stay hidden until the young man recovered enough," His dad replied. "The last thing we needed was a bunch of werewolves packed into the infirmary."

"Why do we have a human here in the first place, Alpha?" Isabelle asked. Her long black hair was put up in a nice bun. She always had this professional look to her no matter what she was doing. And she was always there to back up Tyler with whatever point he had. "What about the rule?"

"This human tried to do good for us and paid the price for it," his mom said, "We are showing him the same respect he has and still is showing us."

With that the mind link was broken and everyone got in line to take a piece of the pies that were now all lined in the middle of the table. The cooks still had the lunch they made on the table alongside the pies. But the pies smelt so good, it was hard to resist not eating them first. Max made sure to get two pieces of apple pie. He had to try it.

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