Chapter 14: Fake it 'Til You Make It

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Authors Note: Hi all! Today, we'll be meeting a little more of the family pack, in some unsuspecting ways. Thank you for reading!


The day went by fast for Charlie. It was a nice exception to the long week that he had. All the new faces seemed friendly, if not polite. But something told him that they weren't used to strangers in their home. And Charlie didn't want to be seen as a nuisance. It almost made him want to convince the doctor to let him leave again. He didn't like not feeling wanted, especially when he was already wearing out his welcome.

He had a feeling that after their discussion on what happened that night, though, he wasn't going to be able to convince him easily. So, instead, he would just put on his best customer service face and try and win these people over with his charisma.

Max was the one that seemed to help calm him down. When he was at a loss of words, or he was just feeling a little too nervous, he would glance at Max. The man was always looking at him; always watching him. And he couldn't say that he didn't like it.

Some of the people were easy to warm up to him. Ed and his wife, Emily, were definitely the socialites of the group. The women were easier to get relaxed than the men. Although, Isabelle was rather standoffish to him.

Charlie was quick to cut out another piece of pie for anyone who wanted another. That's why he still had so much food still left to eat. He was so into his own customer service mindset that he put their needs over his own hunger.

Dr. Button noticed this immediately, and he smacked his hand away from the pie cutter as soon as he went for it.

"Eat," he commanded him. "Everyone can get their own piece if they want one."

At least it got a laugh out of everyone. Charlie just smiled and obliged.

"I don't think I've seen the doc this nuts before," Ed leaned over the table. Him and Emily were sitting right across from him. His golden eyes twinkled with mischief. "You must have really worried him."

Charlie just laughed and changed the subject. It had been a long time since anyone really parented him like that. Ryan was the closest thing to a father he had, and he was usually so busy cooking that there wasn't that much time to do much else. He didn't like bothering anyone with his silly problems anyway.

A part of him liked the care that the doctor showed. It reminded him of good times in a green backyard. Of laughter and fun and running around carelessly.

No, he couldn't think back to that. The past was not something he ever wanted on his mind. Because those good memories always changed to bad ones. He could never just enjoy the happy emotions that came, because they were poisoned with other memories that came soon after.

He looked around the room at all the happiness and laughter that was happening before him. Maybe, someday, he could be a part of something like this, rather than just watching it from afar.

Charlie looked at Max again. He had decided to sit a little ways down, away from the seat that he had taken. He felt a tinge of sadness at that, but decided to let it go. At least he could see him and admire him from afar. At least those eyes never left him. For some reason, that made him feel safe.

The conversation in the kitchen that they had probably didn't mean anything to him. For a second, Charlie thought that they had been flirting, but that was probably just his imagination. He still couldn't believe he winked at the red-head. Max's reaction to it was priceless.

Was this all some weird game they were playing? What about when he had pulled him into that little spot in one of the hallways? Did he mean anything by these things he did? Charlie wanted to believe that he was interested in him, but he was never one to keep his hopes up about anything.

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