° Interhigh Tournament °

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Light shone onto my face, waking me up. As I reached my arm to my side, I noticed that I wasn't in my usual place of sleep. I soon remembered the night before due to the cry of happiness when I woke up.

"Y/N-chan! You're awake!" I heard his voice coming from the mattress on the floor.

"Yes I am, Tooru."

"Good, because we need to get to school in an hour." He said, causing me to sit bolt upright in his bed.

"WHAT??!!" I shouted. Looking over to my best friend, I noticed that he was in his full volleyball tracksuit.

"It's the Interhigh tournament. Did you forget?"

"Why do I have to come? I'm not part of the team." I complained. "I had plans to stay in my pajamas all day."

"You're coming. You're my one fangirl that I enjoy having there."

"Uuuuuuggggggghhhh." I said whilst rolling off the bed. I rolled specifically so that I would fall on top of him and wind him.

Suddenly, it occurred to me what he actually said.

"Wait. You don't enjoy being around your fangirls?"

"No, not really. I used to but it's hard to have so many people around you all the time."

It made sense what he was saying, despite the surprise it was.

"Right. Get out. I need to get dressed. You do have some of your sister's clothes left right?"

"They're on the chair."


As he got out of the room, I went over to the clothes that Oikawa had gotten for me. I saw that there was a black skirt and what looked like to be one of Tooru's training jackets.

"Jesus Christ."

After I placed the clothes on, I left the room to see my best friend outside.

"You look cute." He said winking at me. If anyone else had done that, I'd be weirded out, but with Oikawa, I was used to it.

We got to school about five minutes before we needed to leave for the tournament.

"Before we leave, I want to make sure that there isn't a loophole so that I can get out of this." As my answer, I was dragged onto the bus and sat down next to the brunette responsible.

"I never agreed to this!" I complained before the bus left for the volleyball courts.

As we got off the bus, I saw the other teams there, noticing the orange and black uniforms of Karasuno.

"Hey! Tobio-chan!" I called out. He looked up and waved slightly. I noticed that Hinata looked as I he was going to be sick, looking over the rest of them, I noticed two boys who hadn't been there before. One very tall and one the complete opposite.

Soon, it was time for us to go inside. I wished the boys good luck before making my way up to the stands.

Our first game was against Oomisaki High. I could tell from the smug look on Oikawa's face that he knew it was going to be an easy game.

Within the first few minutes, we had earned four points from our setter's serves alone. Once they were able to receive the serve, the opposing team were able to get a few points on the board.

It wasn't enough to beat us though. The first set ended up with us winning, the results being 25-14.

The second set was very similar, ending with the result 25-12. The boys were very happy with their win and I threw a thumbs up to them.

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