Chapter 21

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As if they had some sort of magical canine senses, the maknaes ventured to the kitchen the minute you pulled the pie out of the oven. Taehyung walked towards you, reaching over to dip his finger in the whipped cream topping you were meticulously placing around the crust of the pie. A loud smack resonated around the kitchen as you slapped Taehyung's hand away. He clutched his hand against his chest, shooting you a wounded look as the rest of the vocal line burst out in laughter. 

"I just wanted a taste," Taehyung whined, melting your heart. 

"You can wait until dessert time," you responded as you capped the whipped cream can and placed it to the side. Jimin came to stand on your other side as he eyed the pie.

"Wow Y/N, this looks so good! I'm so glad we finally have someone who can bake," Jimin reached over to place a kiss on your cheekbone. You started to blush, but the attention was redirected when your oldest soulmate started yelling.

"Excuse me? Did you forget who makes the cookies each weekend short stack?" Seokjin shouted, crossing his arms, levelling Jimin with a glare. 

"Only grandmothers make cookies hyungie," Jimin said with a mischievous grin. "Well, I guess that's pretty on brand for you then '92 liner." 

Seokjin lunged for Jimin, his arms stretched. Jimin, with his lithe build, managed to escape and raced out of the kitchen, with Seokjin hot on his trail. 

Shaking your head at the pair fondly, you picked up the pie, wanting to move it towards the dining table. Taehyung rushed over to take the treat from your grasp.

"I'll do it, Y/N-ie," he gave you a sweet smile before leaving the kitchen as well.

You turned your attention to the lingering boy in the kitchen. Jeongguk was sitting on one of the barstools, a faraway look in his eyes as he frowned at the granite counter. 

"Is everything alright Jeongguk?" you asked him, eyes wide as he started. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"

He shook his head, hopping off the barstool. "It's alright, I was just lost in my thoughts," was all he said before leaving you standing at the island counter. Seokjin's earlier comment about Jeongguk being upset lately came back to your mind as you stared at the boy's back. You decided to quietly follow him out of the kitchen, knowing he'd speak about what was bothering him whenever he was ready. 


Jeongguk's POV

Dinner went by fairly uneventful according to Jeongguk. As usual, Yoongi and Jimin bantered back and forth as Hoseok watched, chiming in with jokes when appropriate. Namjoon shared about his day, and all the various flora and fauna he saw on his nature walk. Seokjin overall kept the environment lively while fussing over everyone, making sure they were all eating properly. 

Then there was Y/N. Although she didn't say much, it seemed like Jeongguk's hyungs hung on to every word she said. The minute an intake of breath was heard, signalling her desire to speak, everyone stopped mid conversation to listen to Y/N. Jeongguk bristled silently in his seat. This was the type of treatment Jeongguk was used to, undivided attention from his hyungs. Then, how come lately it feels like he's been placed on the back burner?

Jeongguk felt guilty for projecting his jealousy onto Y/N. He understood why his hyungs fawned over her, because Jeongguk did so as well. Not only was she their final soulmate, but she also had just gotten comfortable around them. It only made sense to give her extra attention to ensure her comfort. Yet, Jeongguk was still jealous. 

The boy distractedly pushed his food around with his chopsticks when he felt a warm hand encase his own. He looked to his left to find Taehyung looking back at him questioningly, his eyes asking what was wrong. Jeongguk lightly shook his head, dismissing Taehyung's enquiries. He could never tell his hyungs what was wrong. They would just get upset and angry with him for having bad thoughts about Y/N. 

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