Chapter 28

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TW: Vivid descriptions of physical abuse


You knew lying was never the right solution. Karma always found a way to bite you in the butt. Tonight was no exception. As you laid in the hallway outside Lee's office, body screaming in pain, tears rolling down your cheeks, you regretted lying to your soulmates. If only you'd listened their concerns.


When you and Hoseok returned to the living room, it was clear you didn't have to break the news of bonding to the boys. Whereas the elder three looked proud of you both for making up, the younger three were pouting, probably because you both were making out

"I knew I should've called dibs on bonding," Jeongguk muttered under his breath, arms crossed over his chest petulantly.

Hoseok left your side, taking a seat by Jeongguk. He laughed adoringly, ruffling the youngest's hair. "Don't be upset Kookie, did you forget you were my first bond?"

Jeongguk shook his head shyly before snuggling into Hoseok's chest, inhaling the sweet scent of Hobi's body wash. 

You walked over to the coffee table, gathering your belongings. "I should probably get going. Don't want to be late for my meeting...or beating I guess," you laughed nervously. The boys shot you mixed glances of worry and unamusement. "Too soon for dark humor?"

Taehyung rushed over, holding onto your shoulders. "Y/N-ie you can't go, he'll hurt you." 

You sighed, taking ahold of Taehyung's hands on your shoulders. You gently lowered them between your bodies, intertwining your fingers with his. "Tae, if I don't go it'll only make him angrier. Besides, I don't think he'll hit me, genuinely. He's just mad I didn't answer the phone. I've done that plenty of times after an award show because I fell asleep. The most he's done is yell at me and call me worthless." You shrugged nonchalantly, while Seokjin flinched.

"The fact that you say that as if he'd told you the sky is blue is worrisome," he came to stand by your side, pressing a kiss to your temple. "How much has he broken you baby?" Seokjin placed his hand in your hair, pressing your head into his chest. 

The question was rhetorical, so you didn't answer, solemnly staring at your hands in Taehyung's. Your heart skipped a beat at the pet name, cheeks heating slightly, despite the somber mood.

"At least let one of us come with you," Jimin offered. You quickly detached yourself from the two boys, sidestepping around Taehyung to see Jimin clearly from where he sat on the couch. 

"You can't come with!" you said, exasperated. "Why don't you guys understand? He hates you. If anyone in the building saw you there, they'd parrot that back to him like mindless little minions. Please," you begged, "if you don't want to hurt me, you won't step within 10 feet of Imperial, please." 

"We won't," Namjoon responded, hands spread out in front of him. The fear was evident in your eyes, and he wanted to placate you before you cried again. 

"Take one of your members with you then," Yoongi suggested, head resting on Namjoon's shoulder. "It won't seem out of place if they just drop you off. It's just so we know you're ok, sweetheart." His eyes shone with care and affection. 

You knew you couldn't bring your members with you. They wouldn't be let into the corridor where Lee's office was located. If anything, he might just get annoyed that you thought your members would make him go easier on you. 

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