Chapter 5: Love, Hate, or Fate

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She opened her mouth to retort, never one to back down, but the boys had just exited their dressing rooms and she started fussing over their outfits, pulling Ron's sleeves back. Neither of them complimented her on the new robes, even though he could see Weasley eyeing her up and down. What a waste of space. Now that he knew he was her destined partner, he could hate their future relationship even more than he had in his past life. Draco could now be certain she had only ended up with someone else because he had been a right git. Never in all of history had a veela's mate, once marked, left their veela. It was the kind of love that lasted forever once it blossomed. He had to see her again, right away, and he knew just how to do it. 

Draco mused within his mind as he walked. He had thought he hated Hermione's past relationship solely for the blood purity aspect. He and his family would laugh about how the blood traitors were intentionally further sullying their line with a, *gasp,* mudblood. At least Arthur, Molly, and the past few generations of Weasleys were all witches and wizards. When they would appear together at the Ministry, he would sneer and glower at Weasley, his teeth grinding together. When he saw them pictured together in the Daily Prophet and other wizarding gossip magazines, he would grow increasingly angry. Why would they appear in the papers so much, even though they were war heroes? They're just going to a quidditch game, or even walking about town! Nothing too exciting! 

Currently he knew he was just hopelessly jealous, that entire time. No wonder their relationship had struck such a chord with him. Now that he thought about it, he remembered this encounter with Granger from the past uncommonly well, as well as most other encounters with her. It must be because he knew he had passionate feelings for her, he just didn't realize it was burning love and not burning hatred. 

Draco in the past had just now left his mother to buy herself some new dresses, and snuck away to Borgin and Burkes on his own to investigate the Vanishing cabinets. He didn't intend on giving the Dark Lord the cabinet idea in this life. However, there were things in Borgin and Burkes that could be of interest to the new Draco, if not the cabinet. In the past, he had noticed Hermione sprinting out of Borgin and Burkes almost immediately after he left. 

Burke saw Lucius' son enter the shop and the hair on his arms stood on end. This visit couldn't be good. Draco appraised the room with cold eyes. He pointed to a necklace a young witch like Hermione might like, with large beautiful gemstones and delicate pink pearls. He felt called to the necklace, like it had something to do with him. The stones shone in shades of white, orange, green, and purple, with an overall silver tone, and the effect was mesmerizing. There was a crack down one of them, so small it was hard to see. 

"What effect does this have on the wearer?"

"The only effect is dazzling beauty," Burke said nervously, "These gems are said to contain unicorn blood, and many famously beautiful witches have been spotted wearing it over the decades, such as Apolline Delacour and Mrs. Zabini."

"Could you tell me how to repair it?"

"I have tried myself, but it would take me years more, although of course I could try to do so for someone of such esteem as yourself."

Burke was really bending over backwards not to offend the youngest Malfoy, but his eyes betrayed him. They were full of fear and dislike. 

"I would need to repair it myself."

"I can attempt to instruct you if me keeping it is impossible..."

"I will see you again soon," Draco said over his shoulder, leaving the shop abruptly. Burke was terrified and on edge, he wasn't sure what this meant but he had a feeling of dread he couldn't shake. He would have been far less anxious had Malfoy told him what he really wanted by coming.

Draco tried to take about the same amount of time conversing with Burke as he had in the past, hence the reason he left so quickly. He hid around the corner and heard light footsteps, then someone else entering the shop.

"Horrible morning, isn't it?" Hermione asked Burke, who only gave her a gruff reply.

Hermione was first drawn to the same necklace Draco was looking at, just as she had been before. "Is this for sale?"

"No," said Burke, glowering even harder at Hermione's cheerful visage. "Is there a reason you're interested?" Burke probed. Hermione felt a chill down her spine and knew Burke was aware of what she was up to. 

"The thing is, that — er — boy who was in here just now,Draco Malfoy, well, he's a friend of mine, and I want to get him abirthday present, but if he's already reserved anything, I obviouslydon't want to get him the same thing, so . . . um . . ." she stammered, saying the exact same thing she had said in the past. Burke's face twisted into an expression of rage, but as she had said that Draco had re-entered the shop. Right as Burke was about to threaten or even hurt her, Draco took her arm in his. 

"Well how kind of you, dear, to already be thinking about my birthday."

Hermione stiffened, her large brown eyes becoming even larger. Draco, amused, went on. 

"Such a good friend of mine you are. In fact, I was here to get your birthday present as well. Isn't that sweet?"

Hermione laughed nervously. She would really have to work on her acting if she was going to continue these covert operations. "Thank you so much, I just didn't know what you'd like," Hermione said while avoiding Draco's gaze.

Burke piped up, "She inquired about the necklace, sir."

"Is that so? Wrap it for me then, and put the couple thousand galleons on my tab."

"Of course, sir."

"Let's take our leave, love. I'll be in contact with you, Burke."

Draco escorted her out, still holding her arm. His veela was thrilled at the physical contact he had managed. As soon as they were out of sight of the shop window, Hermione rounded on Malfoy and gave him a look that could kill. She was right in his face, his back pressed to the alley wall. 

"Malfoy, get off of me! You git, what are you up to now? I know you hate me!" Hermione whispered angrily, shaking his arm off. 

"Hate is a form of passion, dear," Malfoy mocked. 

"Why are you messing with me like this?"

"Had I not intervened, Burke might have forced you to use magic outside of school. You were obviously inquiring after a... valued customer. Burke doesn't take too kindly to that, and there aren't exactly aurors prancing around Knockturn Alley." 

"I...I guess that's right."

"You should take this," Draco said as he held out the box containing the necklace. 

"I can't, it's unicorn blood!"

"Eavesdropping, were you? If you don't take it, I'll just be throwing it away. I have no other use for it and I don't want my mother knowing I'm here, she'd worry. Besides, isn't unicorn blood only pure silver, not purple or orange or green? Burke must be full of it." 

"I suppose real unicorn blood would sell for even more, but, throwing away something worth thousands of galleons?!?!"

"If throwing it away bothers you so much, then take it."

"....Fine. But only because it's an interesting artifact."

"See you around, Granger. Happy early birthday." Draco gave her an uncharacteristic wide smile before turning away, one that made her think he really did wish she had a happy birthday. 

Hermione stared after him in shock for a moment, before hurrying back to the boys. How had he known when her birthday was? It was at the very beginning of the school year, so in truth Draco had known for a long time given Potter and the Weasel were so loud at breakfast. 

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