Chapter 15: Schemes for Success

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It was the day of the Gryffindor v.s. Slytherin Quidditch match, and Hermione had just approached the breakfast table where Harry and Ron were sitting. Some Slytherins booed and jeered whenever a Gryffindor walked in, but Malfoy only smirked at her. 

"How are you both feeling?" she asked tentatively, her eyes on the back of Ron's head. 

"Fine," said Harry, who was concentrating on handing Ron a glass of pumpkin juice. 

"There you go, Ron. Drink up."Ron had just raised the glass to his lips when Hermione spoke sharply. 

"Don't drink that, Ron!" 

Both Harry and Ron looked up at her. "Why not?" said Ron. 

Hermione was now staring at Harry as though she could not believe her eyes. "You just put something in that drink." 

"Excuse me?" said Harry. 

"You heard me. I saw you. You just tipped something into Ron's drink. You've got the bottle in your hand right now!" 

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Harry, stowing the little bottle hastily in his pocket. 

"Ron, I warn you, don't drink it!" Hermione said again, alarmed, but Ron picked up the glass, drained it in one gulp, and said, "Stop bossing me around, Hermione."She looked scandalized. Bending low so that only Harry could hear her, she hissed, "You should be expelled for that. I'd never have believed it of you, Harry!" With that Hermione stormed off. 

"Did you hear?" Ginny said as they entered the pitch, "That the Slytherin Chaser Vaisey won't be playing?" 

"Lucky, I call it," said Ron, looking slightly more animated." —hey!" he said suddenly, freezing halfway through pulling on his Keeper's gloves and staring at Harry. 

"What?" Harry replied with a twinkle in his eye.

"I . . . you . . ." Ron had dropped his voice, he looked both scared and excited. "My drink . . . my pumpkin juice . . . you didn't . . . ?" 

Harry raised his eyebrows, but said nothing except, "We'll be starting in about five minutes, you'd better get your boots on." 

The game began equally, but became rather one-sided over time. With half an hour of the game gone, Gryffindor were leading sixty points to zero, Ron having made some truly spectacular saves, some by the very tips of his gloves, and Ginny having scored four of Gryffindor's six goals. Luna's famous lion hat roared at all of Ginny's scores. Draco was playing his best, but with their chaser gone they were at a disadvantage. Ron was actually smiling now, and when the crowd greeted a particularly good save with a rousing chorus of the old favorite "Weasley Is Our King," he pretended to conduct them from on high.

Hermione's attention shifted from the Weasleys to the silver-haired seeker. Harry and Malfoy were both zooming through the sky, searching for the snitch, but it seemed neither of them had caught sight of it yet. Then Peakes, the Gryffindor beater, aimed at the Slytherin seeker.

"Watch out!" Hermione shouted.

Draco turned at the sound of her melodious voice that he was instantly able to pick out from the crowd. Her eyes were full of concern, and since he didn't heed her warning Draco promptly got knocked down by a bludger. Draco quickly took to the skies again with minimal injuries, but Harry got the snitch shortly after. Draco couldn't bring himself to be disappointed at the defeat, because his mate had cared enough to call after him. She did so even among a swarm of Gryffindors who might have heard her, but probably didn't given the din. It was heartwarming. 

Hermione confronted the boys after the game, "You shouldn't have done it. You heard Slughorn, it's illegal." 

"What are you going to do, turn us in?" demanded Ron. 

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