Chapter 14: Fortuna's Favor

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Hermione prepared for bed on Oct. 25th, 1996, feeling destitute. Today was the last day before the next full moon and she felt nothing like what felix felicis was supposed to feel like according to books and firsthand accounts. The veela book had specifically said it was a feeling most akin to many doses of felix felicis, so she couldn't have possibly just not noticed it. She was sure that Blood Moon night she had felt something around her, something she had never felt before. Was it just because her old nemesis danced with her? 

The next morning, she woke up with a smile plastered on her face. This is it, this is the day! She knew it, she felt it in her very soul. Everything seemed warm and lovely, even when she left the warm cocoon of her blankets. Hermione considered herself pretty yet not a great beauty, but that day when she looked in the mirror it was as if her curls were voluminous rather than frizzy, although nothing looked different about them. She didn't see her body as plain, but as svelte. She noticed the delicate curve of her ankles, and saw her collarbones in a new light. Is this how the Fleur Delacours of the world see themselves every day?

Hermione just kept bumping into Malfoy today. She literally bumped into him at breakfast and hurried away before he could apologize. Maybe it was just the warm glow she was feeling, but today he was so handsome it physically hurt. Her lungs were heaving when she had brushed past him. Had his jawline always been so sharp? No one else looked insanely beautiful to her today, so perhaps he was feeling the same feeling she was! Did she looks as gorgeous to everyone else as she did to herself today? No one was staring at her more than usual, a few people even gave her odd glances probably due to the uncharacteristic large smile she was sporting. So why did Malfoy look leagues above every other human in the world?

She passed him five times when she was running errands back and forth, but she usually never sees him on the weekends. Every time, he gave her a small smirk that didn't seem as malicious as usual. She only nodded back, feeling her ears get red each time. Hermione was excited to tell him about her luck, but Malfoy was always with multiple other people and she felt this research was somehow secretive. Finally on her way back from the greenhouse, she found Malfoy sitting on a bench, reading a potions book.

"Hey, Malfoy, I got the lucky day!" Hermione greeted warmly. 

"Well, congratulations, Granger. I assume it's today?"

"Yes, but nothing has happened today except for a special feeling. And with this giddy feeling, I just keep bumping into you today! Isn't it strange? I suppose it's because Fortuna knows I want to share these results with you. I'm going to write a report immediately, this is such an amazing discovery! Of course I will give you due credit for assisting me, and coming up with the idea that a veela isn't exactly needed for it." She didn't bother explaining that Fortuna was the Roman goddess of fortune, as given he knew her rather niche namesake he must know that much already. 

"So it was veela magic that would do this? Hermione.." Draco said with a pained look on his face.

She gasped internally. Was this the first time he had ever called her name? Why did he have to say it today of all days, when just that word escaping his perfect pale lips felt like it would send her heart into overdrive? She had only heard him say it when he was explaining the origin of her name, never in relation to her. 

He continued, "I really don't think that's a good idea. We should do more research first, especially during other blood moons." 

Draco was panicking at her earlier statement, his mind racing. He was buying time, as blood moons usually only happened once a year. Draco knew that this must be connected to the fact he was a veela, since no other magical creature was known to do magic related to luck or fate. However, she had apparently gotten this information specifically on veelas from another source. If she published her work, even without mentioning him, his secret risked exposure which would put them both in danger. He had no idea what his veela would do if he were to be locked up for failing to report his magical creature status. He felt somewhere deep inside he would be powerful enough to tear through all of Azkaban, and he would if it would get him back to her. 

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