Chapter 12

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To focus on something other than Lamar, Amiyah decided to visit her dad.

Her dad sat in front of her and they both picked up the know.

"Hey dad", Amiyah said with a smile.

"Your smile always brightens my day", he said. "But this one doesn't seem all that real"

Amiyah sighed. "I'm okay, dad. I just have a lot going on", Amiyah said.

"Yea. Well you won't believe who I saw", her dad said. "The guy who put me in here"

" didn't say anything to him, right?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea, I did", he said. "He didn't care"

"...what's his name?", Amiyah asked.

"Listen, Amiyah it has been years on top of years. It doesn't matter if I stay here or get out. I will always be a murder to other people", he said.

"But at least you'll be free", Amiyah said.

"I'll never be free", he said.

"Dad just tell me his name", Amiyah said. "I just... I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna know why he did what he did"

"Amiyah, no", he said. "I get that you're a lawyer now, because you want to get me out of here but-"

Amiyah cut him off. "Dad, please. I don't ask for much and this is the only thing I want", Amiyah said. "I just want his name"

"...okay fine. His name is Harrison Hunter", he said.

Amiyah typed it in her phone.

"Just don't push his buttons alright", he said.

"Alright", Amiyah said. "I will come back to see you in a couple days"

"Alright. Be careful out there, remember what I always told", he said.

"Sometimes you have to prepared for anything. The world is crazy and you can only protect yourself", she said mocking what he always said. "Yes. I have protection at the house, and in the car, sometimes in my purse but of course that couldn't come in here"

Her dad nods.

"I love you", she said.

"I love you too", he replied.

The both put the phone back and Amiyah got up. She walked to the lady who get the prison's to come out.

"Hey, I'm here for my client. Harrison Hunter", Amiyah said.

The lady nods.

Minutes later, Harrison came to sit down in front of Amiyah. He had bruises on his face and arms. He picked up the phone and spoke.

"You're no my lawyer", he said.

"You're right. I'm not. I'm just a person who wants answers", she said.

"No", he said.

"Please", she said.

"What do you want?", he asked.

"Did somebody talk to you about confessing to a crime you committed 12 years ago?", she asked.

"Yes. Some lunatic", he said.

Amiyah made a face.

"That's why i have think shit on my face", he said. "He tortured me. So I just said fuck and confessed to something else i did to get away from him. My life wasn't shit anyways. I just didn't think he deserved to get what he wanted"

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