Chapter 39

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The next day Amiyah was taking out of the trash because Lamar was on the run of course and he didn't want to be seen. Amiyah looked around because she felt like she was being watched. The house they were in was by a lake, it was was the only house around. From the pictures in the house, they were at Lamar's brother's house. She supposed it was just a house that him and his wife may go to get away some weekends.

Amiyah looked around when suddenly, she saw Dominic.

Amiyah made a face.

Lamar peaked out the door.

"Miyah!", he called. "Get in the house"

Amiyah looked at Lamar and started walking to the house. Then she glanced at where Dominic was and he was gone. She thought that it was just her imagination because she missed him so much.

Amiyah went into the house.

"What took you so long?", Lamar asked.

"Nothing", Amiyah said.

Lamar starred at her to see if she was lying but he believed her. She looked more scared of him than anything.

Lamar looked down and hugged her. "I'm sorry", he said.

Amiyah let out a sigh.

Lamar kissed her forehead. "I never wanted to hurt you Amiyah. I- I just wanted to be with you", he said.

Amiyah look up at him as she pulled away a little bit.

"I- I've been out of character lately and I've been trying to fight that side of me off...and now I know that I can't and I'm sorry for- for killing Bianca. I'm sorry for hurting your aunt and your cousin and I'm sorry for shooting Dominic", Lamar said. "...I've been...I've been listening and I am going to get help. I'm going to be the man that you want and care about. I'm going to be better"

Amiyah started tearing up.

"I don't wanna loose you... not again. Those were the worst months of my life", Lamar said as a tear fell.

Amiyah touched his cheek and wiped his tear with her thumb. As much anger that she had held inside for him, she did feel like he was genuine sorry and that he really couldn't help it.

While that was going on, Dominic was actually outside. One of blinds were and he saw Amiyah and Lamar having a moment. He knew that while being with Lamar that she would have to act a certain way but it looked like the moment was genuine. Dominic started to get upset.

"Nic?", his friend said

Dominic snapped out of it and looked at him.

"You good?", his friend asked not evening seeing what Dominic was looking at.

"I'm fine, Jax", Dominic said.

Jax is Dominic's best friend. They've known each other since they were kids and even though they grew up in the same neighborhood, Jax and Dominic were kind of opposites. Although Dominic could be hood at times but not as hood as Jax. Jax used to sell drugs, be in a gang, you name it. Jax was the hot head while Dominic was the one who tried to keep him out of trouble.

"So we gonna get Miyah or not?", Jax asked.

Dominic looked back at the window and saw Amiyah kiss Lamar's forehead as they were sitting down.

"I don't know", Dominic said. "I don't even know if that's what she wants"

"I thought you said this dude was crazy?", Jax asked.

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