Chapter 25

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Lamar and Amiyah were at the doctors office for a check up. Amiyah was currently 4 months pregnant.

"Everything is looking great, as usually, Ms. Wilson", the doctor said. "Any questions?"

"No", Amiyah said.

"Okay, I hope you three have a lovely day", the doctor said with a smile.

Lamar helped Amiyah up and then walked out.

"You know, Amiyah I was thinking that it was time we move in together", Lamar mentioned as then walked out of the doctor's office.

"I thought we were going to watch until we got married", Amiyah said.

"I mean like why wait? Besides, that won't be until after the baby is born like you wanted", Lamar said. "Besides, you're pregnant now and I think that I should be around more just in case something happens"

"You heard the doctor. Everything is fine", Amiyah said.

"That doesn't mean some can't happen as soon as we walk to the car", Lamar said. "What? You don't wanna move in together yet? You having second thoughts?"

"No", Amiyah said quickly so diffuse the situation. "I didn't say that"

"So what's up?", Lamar asked.

Amiyah sighed as she touched her stomach. "Lamar, if you wanna more in together that's fine. I was just saying, okay?", Amiyah said.

Lamar shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"What?", Amiyah asked.

"You just been pissing me off lately", Lamar said.

Amiyah a face. "What did I do?", Amiyah asked. She was totally confused.

"I feel like it's something you're not telling me", Lamar said.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Amiyah said.

"Amiyah, you've been a little off these past few months and I don't like it. I've been patient, but today is the day I'm going to speak up", Lamar said.

Lamar walked a little closer to her. Amiyah's body began to tense up as she looked down.

"Look at me", he said in a stern voice.

Amiyah looked at him.

Lamar knew Amiyah better than she knew her own self.

"What is you're problem? And I swear to god, you better not say nothing", Lamar said as he tired to hold his anger back.

"...Lamar, I am fine", Amiyah said.

Lamar grabbed her arm and squeezed it tight. "Stop lying to me", he said angrily.

Amiyah grabbed his wrist. "Lamar your hurting me", she said in a low voice so they wouldn't cause a scene.

Lamar realized what he was doing and loosened his grip as he looked around. Nobody was watching.

"I'm sorry", he said as he let go.

Amiyah touched her arm. It still felt like his hand was around it.

"I'm sorry, Amiyah. I- I didn't mean to", he said.

Amiyah was holding herself back from getting emotional. Lamar wasn't getting better like she thought, he was just holding things in.

"Take me home", she said.

Lamar didn't say anything.

Amiyah looked up at him. "Please", she said.

Lamar started walking to the car and Amiyah followed.

Lamar walked to the passenger side to open her door. As Amiyah came up, he looked at her. "I love you", he said.

"...I love you too", Amiyah replied.

Lamar opened the door for her and Amiyah got in. After shutting the door, Lamar got in the driver's seat and he began driving.

Amiyah was looking out the window. "Lamar, you need help", Amiyah said.

"No I don't", Lamar said.

"Lamar, please", Amiyah pleaded as she looked at him.

"I said no", Lamar said. "I'm not doing that"

It was silent between them for a moment.

"...If you don't wanna help yourself, then how can you continue to be good for me?", Amiyah asked. "So if you don't help yourself, then I can't be with you"

Lamar made a face. "What did you just say?", he asked rhetorically.

Amiyah was quiet as she looked down.

"Huh, I thought I heard you say something", he said.

Amiyah looked out the window.

"Don't you ever say some shit like that to me again", Lamar said.

Amiyah didn't say anything.

"Do you hear me? Better yet, do you understand me?", Lamar asked.

"...yes", Amiyah said softly.

"What?", he asked. "I can't hear you"

"Yes. I said yes", she said.

Lamar continued to drive and it was silent between them for the whole car ride. When he pulled up to his house and parked the car and looked Amiyah.

"I'm sorry, to yell at you Amiyah but...I love you too much for you to just up and leave me okay? But...if you ever have a thought like that again, just know it's only one way out of this relationship and I don't think you're going to like it", said Lamar before leaned in a kissed her cheek.

Amiyah finally made eye contact with him.

Lamar caressed her cheek. "You're my soulmate", Lamar said.

Amiyah eyes looked down but her head stayed up.

"I just don't need therapy because you make me do good things...just don't lie to me, betray me, or leave me", Lamar said.

"I told you...I'd never lie to you. So I don't understand why you thought I was lying today", Amiyah said.

"I guess I was just misreading you. I forgot that pregnancy can cause a woman to act a little different", he said.

Amiyah didn't say anything. Something has been up with her lately. Ever since that talk with Dominic, she had been second guessing things. She didn't want to because she grew to love Lamar and she was so happy for what she thought that he was becoming but the another side of her was telling her that she was making the wrong decision and rushing things without even knowing if he was 100% stable. Now she saw what the back of her mind was warning her about. But at the end of the day it was too late from the day that he moved in across the street.


His Obsession (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora