Chapter 4

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Izuku sat in his chair whic is inside Mei's lab. Mei was in his lap. He observed the lines of code she was writing. He told her the necessary information and corrections that was required. "You see here. Add a space." He said pointing to the screen. She nodded and did as told. "Ugh this is so hard!" She said. She leaned onto his mate and sighed. "If you try harder it will be easir." He advised. "How?" "Motivation." He whispered. Before she could comprehend what he said he kissed her neck and bit her nape. "Mm yeah I feel motivated." She said with a smile. Izuku wrapped his cold hands surround around her waist and watched as she typed away.

This reminded Izuku when he found his original quirk, Prime Program. His eyes act like a barcode reader for code. He can see codes, act as a Wi-Fi transponder and connect to any mainframe mentally but has to use a keyboard to give character input.

"Done!" She squealed. Izuku inspected and nodded in approvement. "What now. Our Libido is low... we've finished all our work. What are we supposed to do?" Asked Mei slumping onto her mate. "Maybe we can go out today? It's been a while since we've gone out." Izuku suggested. "Oh yeah that's true. I'll just change." She said jumping off him.

Izuku was wearing black pants, black high heeled boots and a black long sleeved compression shirt. He walked to a his custom closet. He opened it to see more of the same clothing he was already wearing. Black is his colour. He took up and put on a black Mandarin collar Trench coat.

 He took up and put on a black Mandarin collar Trench coat

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He topped it off with gloves and sunglasses. "Ready?" He asked. He looked at his girlfriend. She was wearing white jeans, a plain pink shirt and pink boots. She slung a grey backpack on her shoulders containing her work clothes. "Ready! Let's go." She cheered. The two disappeared done a tunnel. U.A. has multiple government use tunnels. When they reached the end two guards saluted. "Madame, Sir." They acknowledged. "Nice to see you boys. We'll be gone a while." Izuku said. He offered his arm to Mei and she held onto it.

They walked the streets. Everyone looked. They seemed to be total opposites. He was all black and didn't show an emotion. She on the other hand was vibrant and cheery. "Wear you wanna go?" He asked Mei. "I dunno. Maybe some coffee." She answered. The two stopped at a coffee shop. "Welcome to Cuppa Joe how may I...... Oh dear. I'm sorry. How may I help you." Said the waiter. She was thrown off by the appearance of a man in black and a girl who seems to be addicted to pink.

"Yeah, we'll have two black coffees." Izuku ordered. "Alright then. I'll have your order in a sec." She beamed. "So... it appears everyone thinks I've kidnapped you." Izuku chuckled. "Well you did capture my heart." She giggled like a little girl. "How cheesy of you my dear." Izuku replied. "If only they knew that I'm not so different in clothing choices." She joked. "You look good in blAck." He complimented. "Doesn't mean I have to wear it. Does it now?" "Never said you should."

"Alright here's your coffees. If you need anything else I'll be visiting each table." The waiter said happily. "Thank you. Here's your pay." He said handing her a hundred dollar bill. "Sir the coffees are 12 dollars." She corrected. "We both know you need the money. You think I don't know who you are Rachael." Izuku said looking at her. "I'm not coming back to the Junior Program." She said in a monotone. "I wasn't here to recruit you." "Are you sure. Some guys came trying to convince me." She argued.

Rachel von Victor. A German American immigrant. She used to be a government agent who worked under Izuku along with her brother. Her brother died in action. From that day she left.

"I did not send them nor am I here to convince you in anyway. It's nice to see you though." He confirmed. "Hey Rachel." Mei said. "Hey."

"Still, your are still in deep debt? Aren't you?" He said to her. "Well yeah I guess. But I'm not going back. The money was good but after what happened to Christian... I can't."

She was an orphan teen. She didn't need schooling so she only needed money for basic expenses. She had a criminal record so she could only get one job. As a waiter.

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm afraid."

"Why are you afraid?"

"I don't know." She said raising her voice a little.

"Don't give me that. You belong with us. You were depressed when we found you. We gave you purpose. We gave you family." He argued.

"I know. And I'm grateful sir. But..."

"What if I were to tell you that Christian was alive?"


"I'm not supposed to say this but we found Christian. He's in a coma. Come back to us and you may see him." Izuku offered.

"How long did you know?"


"HOW LONG DID AGO DID YOU FIND HIM?" She shouted gaining attention from everyone.

"Three months ago." Izuku revealed.


"Watch your tone. I was under strict orders. Come with me and you may see him. But you must come back permanently." He said getting up from his chair. "Izuku take it easy." Mei cautioned.

"Fine..." She mumbled. "Great. Mei, we might have to take a short detour to Hq." "No problem. Good to have you back Rachael.

Suddenly a guy appeared behind Rachel. "Is the is guy bothering you babe?" He asked. "No... just an old friend. And I'm not your babe." She protested. "Hey, agent Kay, she already has some boyfriend... She ain't going no where." The man protested.

"We are not dating you freak!" She shouted as she turned and punched him in the face. "Nice to have you back Trinity." Izuku chuckled. "Let's get something straight. I'm doing this to be with my brother, understood?" "Mm. Your compliance is admirable. " He said.


"You'll receive your original pay, rank and quarters." He revealed. "Nice to be back boss.

Words 1041

Posted 17/10/2020

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