We're Back

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Rachel took off her apron and sat down with her former boss and colleague. "Mei, contact them as to our arrival and situation." He ordered. She nodded. "Go get changed. Both of you." He ordered. "Why?" "I can't have you looking like a maid, can I?" He admitted.

"Okay boss. C'mon Mei." She said. She had kept her work clothes just in case the time came. Mei had them in her backpack. They walked to the bathroom.

Izuku sat and drank his coffee. People were still worried as to what was going on. Unbeknownst to him a Karen was on her way.

The girls returned in a matching set of black jeans, high boots and a leather jacket. They sat down. "You look good." Izuku complimented. "Thanks." They said.

"While you were gone I got a call. You have been reinstated as an agent. We leave immediately." He said.

"Understood boss. When do I see my brother?" "Two days. He's being shipped in a government plane from Germany. "Okay then. Do we leave now?"

The three agents left from their seats but we're interrupted by three officers and a middle aged lady. Karen alert.

"That's him!" She shouted. "Sir we got a call about you. Your exhibiting suspicious activity." The first officer said. "Too bad. We were just leaving." He said staring at the officer. "Boss, stop playing around." Rachel mused. "Fine." He said. Izuku reached for his pockets. The officers drew their guns. "Don't bother." He said. He drew something from his pocket. "Freeze!" They shouted.

"Sir I am Agent Neo of the Zion Alliance." He whispered to them. He opened his wallet and showed them his badge. "Oh sorry." "No problem, your doing your job well." He said.

Izuku, Rachel and Mei left the coffee shop. "Are we getting a ride?" Asked Rachel. "No, we walk."

They stepped to the streets of Japan. "So are you two still Screwmates?" Asked Rachel. "Dating." Izuku corrected. "Congrats Mei." She said fist bumping her. "Thanks."

"Your going to need a new identity. Too many people know your name." Izuku revealed. Rachel was more of a work-in-the-shadows operative. "You got it boss. What's my new name and identity?" "You get to choose the first name." "Harlene." "Interesting choice." Mei said. "It was my mother's  name." "That's fair."

"Mm. Well Harlene, I just sent the name. So when we get their you get a new id." Izuku noted. "Thanks boss. Where will I be stationed?" "Not sure. You'll find out tomorrow. As usual we, Mei and I have guard duty at U.A. The worst part of this job." Izuku said. His mind dreading the next day.

When Izuku and Mei got involved in the Zion Alliance Junior Program they excelled to the top of their 5 month class. As a result they were no longer requiring school. They are simply there not to arouse suspicion and to guard U.A.

"Fine. This might me fun... but I'm only doing this to be with my brother." "Yes I'm well aware. It's the fourth time you've said it." "Ugh... men." "Tell me about it." Mei mumbled. "Heyyyy." Izuku whined.

The three entered a clock store. "Wonderful weather, isn't it?" Asked an old lady. "Certainly, but I always carry an umbrella." Mei replied.

The old lady walked to the desk and pressed a buzzer in Morse code.







The grandfather clocks moved out of the way to reveal an elevator. They walked into the cabin and rode it down. "Brings back memories." Ra--- I mean Harlene mused. She inhaled a deep breath of air. When they reached the bottom they were saluted by guards and walked to the desk. "Ms. Richie. Nice to see you." He greeted. "Hello Neo, Inspector and Trinity. I have the ID ready. You'll be known as what you see on this id from on. The H.O.D requests your presence immediately." Said the receptionist. Harlene a.k.a trinity nodded and walked to the Head Of Department's office.

"So much for a day out." Izuku mumbled. "Yeah. Maybe we can continue this at home?" Mei said seductively. "Mm. Sounds like a plan

The next day brought to you by: iM lAZy

Izuku sat in class for orientation. "Alright everyone we have a new student. Midoriya, you might know her." Aizawa said in his regular dreary voice. This caught Izuku's attention. He watched as a familiar face waltzed in front of the class.

 He watched as a familiar face waltzed in front of the class

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Has U.A uniform. Pure blond hair. No bat. No tattoos.

"Hiya, I'm Harlene Midoriya. I'm Izuku's half sister!" She beamed. Izuku's eyes were drained of colour as everyone stared at him. He got up and walked to her. "You, me, outside, now!" He seethed. She shuddered from his tone. She followed her 'brother's' orders. "What the Hell are you doing here?" He asked. "Sorry, the HOD sent me here under the guise of your half sister by 'our' dad. They wanted to keep the squad together." She admitted. "Ugh... what personality are you playing?" He asked. "Cheery but submissive when your angry." "What?!" He shouted. "Donagan is angry that I left so he gave me that personality trait to play. Sorry." She said. "Oh... my... God. So I have a submissive half sister.... great. Might as well act the part." He said sarcastically. "Sure big brother!" She cheered. "Nu uh. None of dat. You sound like were about to secretly be in love. Yuk" he mentioned. "Oh. Okay then Zuzu." "I can live with that."

He walked inside and sighed. "May I introduce my sister, Harlene. The most annoying girl on the planet." Izuku announced. "Oh c'mon Zuzu. I'm not that bad." She argued. "Sure..."

"Excuse me but you don't sound Japanese at all." Iida said. "I was born in Germany then raised with Zuzu in the States." She lied. "Nice one." He mumbled. "Hey Midoriya, is single?" Asked Mineta as he drooled. "Yes. But I wanna see you try touching her." He said cracking his knuckles. "Gulp!"

"Oh your so protective!" She cooed as she latched to his arm. "Get of me before I break your arm." He seethed. "Sorry, sorry." She giggled. "Brat." He said giving her a chop in the Head. "I could get used to this." Izuku mumbled.

Words 1047

Posted 18/10/2020

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