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I woke up to obnoxiously loud snoring.I opened my eyes and was immediately hit with a headache.

"Mm."I groaned in pain

I felt strong arms around my bare waist.I was naked.

I opened my eyes once more and saw that Aubrey was holding me.All he wore was boxers.

"Aubrey."I whispered

"Mm."He rose an eyebrow

"Let go."I told him

He hesitantly did.I got up to go to the bathroom.I took a shower and brushed my teeth.I found some advil and took that too.

I stole a hoodie from his closet and started to leave the bathroom.I saw him finally awake checking his phone.I leaned against the door frame.

"Did we..?"I asked

He shook his head."You fell asleep as soon as we got in."

I nodded."Okay."

"Come here."He said

I stared at him and climbed back in the bed.He pulled me into his chest.

"Daddy!!!"We heard

I smiled as Adonis ran into the bedroom.

He looked at us very confused.He didn't remember me.

"Hi Adonis."I smiled

"Hi."He said plainly

He walked over to Aubrey's side of the bed.

"Who that?"He asked lowly

"This is Jasmine."He told the 2 year old

"Jasmine."He repeated

I tried to reach my hands out to pick him up and place him in the bed with us but he turned away.

I slightly frowned and dropped my arms.

"I'll be up in a second to get you some breakfast alright?"Aubrey told him

I almost volunteered to make him some breakfast but I decided against it.

"Okay."He nodded and skipped out of the room

Aubrey looked over at me.

"What?"I asked

"Don't feel bad about it."He told me

I nodded but I couldn't shake the feeling.Im not his mother.It's not like I was an important person in his life.I was just his daddy's ex girlfriend.Of course he wouldn't remember me.

Soon enough Aubrey got up and cleaned up to go make his son something to eat.While he did that, I thought to myself.What was I doing?Why was I even here.

"Hey- what's wrong?"Aubrey came to the door

"Uhm- nothing.I should get going."I shook my head

He looked confused.

"What is it?"He asked me

I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"I- I don't know why I keep ending up here..with you."I said

He came closer to me.

"I love you Aubrey.I really do but this isn't what we need.We can't keep popping in and out of each other's lives.We deserve better than that..and Adonis certainly does."I told him

"What are you saying?"He asked me

"Im really sorry- for leading you on but I don't think I can do this again."I shook my head

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