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I rushed out of the house in full emotional outburst working inside my heart and mind, not knowing where I planned on going. I didn't know this place. Not finding any other option, I dropped down on a minute bench in the vast lawn. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing heavily. At this point, I didn't know whether I should hate my father or my mother. Quick approaching footsteps drew my attention; Jonas was sprinting towards me.

"Amyra, there you are!" he panted.

I wiped the tears from my face and reoriented myself. He probably understood that trying to console me would be of no use, so he didn't attempt it. Instead, he went for his usual peculiar ways.

"I'm disappointed!" he exclaimed, flopping down on the bench beside me.

"Do you realize how huge a crush I had on you? But the world had to be so round that you had to turn out to be my step sister!"

He faked a sigh while he said it.

"You're never changing, Jonas Amberson," I commented with a weak smile as I nudged him with my elbow.

He was indeed successful in distracting my mind, won't disagree with that. He placed an arm around mine as I rested my head on his shoulders. It felt good to have a shoulder to cry on.

The still air was only stirred by the autumn leaves falling from the interlocking branches above.

"I still hate you for receiving my share of mom's love for the past eight years, you know," I whispered.

"Don't kill me for that," he giggled.

"I just can't forgive her yet..."

"Take your time Amy," he advised as he patted my shoulders.

"Hmm," I breathed.

"Well curious, isn't it? You were my best friend, and now we turn out to be step-siblings," he chuckled.

"Well, we're not genetically step-siblings if you see the thing biologically," I remarked as I parted my head from his shoulders to sit straight.

Time to flex my Biology knowledge.

"Ahhh Amy, did I ever tell you that I had dropped Biology back in my ninth grade?" he heaved. "So these shits won't get into my tiny head."

"It's really simple actually, it's about genes. You and I don't share the same genes because our biological parents are not the same," I kept on blabbering.

"Yes yes, makes sense why I'm smart, and you're not-" he boasted, pulling the collar of his t-shirt.

I pinched his arm, conveying my irritation.

He muttered a high pitched 'Ouch' before continuing, "-and you're beautiful while I'm not."

I actually chuckled this time as he gently pulled my delicate cheeks.

"Are you staying here today?" I asked.

My mood was quite lighter now, thanks to my newly discovered stepbrother.

"I guess so. Can't leave mom alone in this state, you know."

I nodded.

"Stay with her, I'll go back alone."

"Can't you stay here too? She would have felt better," he suggested.

"I can't, I need some time."

"Should I call and inform Xav Bro to pick you up from here then?"

"I can drive, don't underestimate me," I huffed out.

"Fine fine, but we'll see your driving skills some other day. Let's get you a taxi today."

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