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The officer was taken aback at the unexpected claim. He turned to face Kelvin and then back at Uncle Josh.

"How exactly was Mr. Xaviers involved with you, may I ask?"

"He erased the evidence for me," Uncle Josh replied determinedly.

"I assume that under your law, helping a criminal escape is an equal crime as committing the crime itself," he added.

"For your kind information Mr. Joseph, it's Mr. Xaviers who handed us the evidence, followed by Mr. Jonas," the officer mentioned.

Kelvin did?

"That's because he betrayed me!" Uncle Josh asserted.

"That's how detectives work." Kelvin interrupted. "By working as double agents."

So Kelvin was acting as a double agent 'against' Uncle Josh?

It was getting so tangled up now that I could no longer untangle the real scenario.

Was the recording a setup too then?

Somewhere deep inside my heart, I hoped it was. I wanted to believe that Kelvin wasn't guilty.

But then again, was he?

If he indeed was, then I could never forgive him.

"Detectives indeed have their own way," the officer spoke again.

"And apart from that, what evidence do you have Mr. Joseph to support your allegation?"

Uncle Josh remained tongue-tied. He didn't have any evidence. But he didn't stop his attempt.

"What evidence does your detective have then," he countered, "against my wife?"

The officer turned back to Kelvin, expecting an answer.

"The bullet in my arm," Kelvin answered, looking at the bullet the nurse had just taken out.

"It has been shot from that gun," he pointed towards Aunt Lucy's gun on the forest floor.

"You can match the fingerprints on the gun."

"And I have a video of her too where she discusses her master plan with her husband over the call," Brian came in to support.

Aunt Lucy gulped in trepidation while Uncle Josh clenched his jaw in fury.

"Brother Nick had some evidence against him," Uncle Josh still continued.

I put my hand over my bag. It was with me.

Should I hand it over to them?

Please don't ask me what stopped me from doing that.

"Well, all criminals make up such stories after they've been caught," the officer replied. "Nothing new for us."

It was clear that the officer trusted Kelvin. Nonetheless, he didn't just ignore the matter and agreed to see to it because of formalities.

"Whatsoever, we'll see to that then after Nicholas Valdez recovers from coma."

Another officer handcuffed Aunt Lucy while the third one carefully picked up the gun from the ground with a medical glove.

"Since Mr. Xaviers needs medical treatment now, we'll go to Valdez Mansion with Mr. Jonas," the officer apprised.

"I can lead you to our house," Brain came forward to help.

"Sure, Mr. Valdez."

"Do call me if there's an emergency," Jonas said, thanking Brian for the support.

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