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Jonas unlocked the main door and left it slightly ajar before we stationed ourselves on either side of the veranda entrance, ready with our weapon. Shortly afterward, there was a creaking of the door followed by steady footsteps. Kelvin was coming here.

His first step on the marble tiles of the veranda and WHOOSH!

Within the blink of an eye, Kelvin was showered with superabundant snow sprayed perpetually by Jonas and me simultaneously.

"What the-" Kelvin rumbled, wiping the snow from his face.

I took the chance to slink into a position that obscured the cake from his view. He gawked at me and Jonas, turn by turn, in utter bewilderment. He tried to sneak a look around the veranda, but Jonas was too fast for him.

"Not yet Xav Bro!" he apprised, turning Kelvin around. "First go and dress up in the suspenders I kept on the bed. Broskis gonna twin tonight!"

"Of course not, in no way I'm dressing up in that kid's attire like you!"

"Pleaseeeee Xav Bro," Jonas entreated.

"Please," I reiterated June's word.

I was really curious to see how he looked in that attire. Kelvin consented at last; well, he didn't have to walk to the room for changing because Jonas had already dragged him there. In the meantime, I bustled into my room to get the gifts.

"Xav Bro, come fast! It's 11:58 already," Jonas called out after I returned.

Kelvin arrived in the same navy blue suspenders as Jonas, buttoning his shirt sleeve on the way when he suddenly stopped, finally getting a proper view of the veranda. I chuckled perceiving how childish they both looked.

"Did you both do all these-?" he mumbled in awe.

I decided not to point out that he had only one of his sleeves buttoned and the other one still unbuttoned and folded up.

It's not every day you get to see Mr. Angry Young Man in a hilarious state after all.

I could definitely see tears accumulating in his eye chamber, which he was trying his best to hold back. No doubt he hadn't expected such a surprise.

Jonas and I glimpsed at each other and beamed.

"Come on now, cut the cake. It's going to be twelve in no time!" Jonas took the lead.

"Angry Young Man?" Kelvin snorted, seeing the writing on the cake.

"Well, what could be better?" I teased.

"Did Mrs. Arabella bake it?" he asked, shoving off my comment.

"Nope, we did," Jonas responded.

"You mean I did," I interposed, raising an eyebrow.

"I chose the cake mix," he grinned.

"Now don't start again, you two," Kelvin sighed.

Three of us ended up giggling on that, which was only hindered by the giant clock's click as it hit twelve.

"Happy Birthday Kelvin," I wished.

"Happy Birthday Xav Bro!"

The party candles glittered to life as Jonas lit them with matches. Kelvin cut the cake and fed the first slice to Jonas. I didn't expect him to feed me, but to my surprise, he did. I fed him back the same slice after taking a bite while Jonas made his usual teasing face in the background.

"Thank you, both of you," Kelvin whispered, placing his hands on the table after a minute.

"I had a birthday celebration like this after years, the last time being the year my parents died."

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