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A boy rushed up the stairs of the institute, his chocolate brown hair bouncing and hazel eyes glinting with mischief and intelligence. He was a handsome adolescent, tall and lean, who made heads turn wherever he went. He stumbled and came to a stop right outside the door of his assigned classroom, where another boy stood, glasses slipping on his nose and lips scowling at his watch. He looked up at the newcomer and immediately launched into a censure the other was bound to ignore.

"Ahmad this is the third time you’ve skipped the assembly! Be thankful sir Ayaz comes late himself or you’d have been marked absent again. Why can’t you just come at time for once?"

"Part of my charm, dandy boy. You won't understand," Ahmad laughed, pulling his only friend with him into the room.

"Looking like you just rolled out of bed, is that supposed to be a part of your charm too?" Shaheer grumbled and then added.  “And stop calling me that stupid name.”

"You're grumpy so early in the morning.” Ahmad quickly ran fingers through his hair, trying to look more presentable. “How many mcqs did you get wrong this time?"

Shaheer tried to stall, seemingly unwilling to prove his friend right, but finally admitted with a resigned sigh. "Got 5 wrong in biology."

Ahmad tutted in disappointment. "That means I got five wrong too. Dude, I was counting on you,"

Shaheer glared at him in return. "You're such a brat. See if I help you in biology next time,”

"Then you'll have to kiss your chemistry goodbye," Ahmad gave a smug smile back, settling in his seat comfortably.

Shaheer sighed, sliding into the next chair. "I can't imagine how will I clear the entrance exam at this rate. I'm doomed. My father will disown me,"
Ahmad resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "You'll be fine, dandy boy. Getting five mcqs wrong isn't that big of a deal. Besides, we still have months before the exam."

"I don't even know how many mcqs I got wrong in the rest of the subjects. At this rate, I'm gonna fail-" Shaheer wasn’t listening anymore.

Ahmad tuned out the rest of his friend's rant. Shaheer was a great guy when he was not obsessing over the medical school entrance exams that hung over them throughout their college life. Ahmad couldn't care less about any exam; he already knew he was going to ace all of them.


“If you wish to ace your inorganic chemistry, you must memorize the periodic table. It helps you remember and understand the order and periodicity of many a different property. I always encourage my students to memorize all the tables in this book, so they waste minimum time during the actual test.” The teacher was talking and Ahmad was listening with full rapport and attention. It was his favourite subject. Always had been. Too bad he couldn’t pursue the field. His fate had already been sealed by his parents; medical and nothing else.

"So, is there anyone who can recite the periodic table to me?" The teacher concluded and Ahmad raised his hand as soon as he finished.

"Ahmad! As expected from our shining star." It was no secret that the teacher favoured Ahmad over the rest of the class. Many students faulted Ahmad for being the teacher’s pet, and scoffed at him for receiving praises all the time. While Ahmad had no idea why the teachers favoured him so much, he was not someone to pass up an opportunity. He always made sure to take advantage where he could.

Shaheer made silent gagging noise that only Ahmad could hear. "This guy seems in love with you," He shuddered. 

"Shut up," Ahmad mumbled through a clenched smile and started reciting the table. The teacher's smile widened as each element was spoken.

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