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I have two exams tomorrow! (。ノω\。)
Need prayersss! And here's a chapter as bribe!


“Guess who’s Aapi marrying,” Rania was fifteen and the oldest among the three girls that were surrounding Yusra in a circle of awe and wonder. “Sikandar-e-Azam part-II!”

Yusra shook her head, holding back a sigh.

“From the books?” Raisa the younger of the two twins, asked in confusion. “The one who conquered India?” 

“It was Persia,” the other twin, Rumaisa, supplied.

“He’s too old! Aapi don’t marry him!”

“This one’s just a doctor,” Yusra murmured, tired but amused at their antics.

Thankfully Mahrukh came in then, and ushered the younger ones out of the room. “I saw his picture,” She was smiling teasingly. “He’s very handsome, aapi!”

Yusra stared at the ring on her finger. “Looks don’t matter,”

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to have good looks though,” Mahrukh flopped on the bed next to her. “You can see for yourself. Let me get a hand on Mamu’s phone!”

“No, thanks,” Yusra passed the offer. “They didn’t ask for my picture. I won’t ask for his.”

“Boring,” Mahrukh announced loudly, but Yusra was too busy running the past few hours in her head, to pay attention to the younger’s whining. True to Mamu’s words, the family had been pleasant. Mrs. Ehsan was graceful and modest. Her husband was calm and genial- a Professor at a Teaching Hospital in Lahore. They had been impressed with her accomplishments, and assured that Yusra could finish her PhD before marriage, if she wished so. They wanted a simple engagement ceremony, after that she could get to know Sikandar more in the time till the wedding.

Momani had interjected. She had never believed in non-halal commitments, and asked Mrs. Ehsan if they could have nikah ceremony instead of an engagement.

That had sealed the deal and now, Yusra lay in her bed with a ring on her finger as a figurative sign of engagement, and a nikah to look forward to in a week.

At least, she would be able to finish her project before the rukhsati.


“How’s the trial going?” Shaheer asked, sounding tired from the long day at the hospital. Ahmad himself missed the thrill and exhaustion of the hospital shifts, but he also enjoyed the calm and invigorating research work in labs.

“The bastard will be gone for a long time,” Ahmad smiled, feeling relieved. Makhdoom was going to get what he deserved.

“And how’s she?”

Ahmad floundered at that. “I—I haven’t—”

“You haven’t talked to her yet?”

“How can I, Shaheer? I messed up. She had been in shock and I was an A-grade insensitive— I don’t know how to talk to her--”

“Hey, hey, easy there, lover boy,” Shaheer laughed. “Only I’m allowed to insult you,”

Ahmad looked up at the ceiling in fond exasperation, but he was smiling. “Will you be there?”

“Like I would miss your special day,” This time it sounded like Shaheer was rolling his eyes. “Anyhow, how’s your headache now? You’ve been having them a lot.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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