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I'm stuck in the middle of exams. But since my favourite Jaybee!! read the story and showered it with so much love. I was too excited to not update again. Hehe.

Here, I hope you'll enjoy this part. Let the suffering begin!

From the moment she woke up, a sense of foreboding accompanied Yusra's instincts; she was restless. She even thought of taking off from lab, but she also did not want to waste the day. The sooner they got done with their project, the sooner she would be out of Ahmad’s hair.

It had been three days since that evening, since she rejected Ahmad, he acted fine in the lab, but she had never seen him look so tired. He would smile and joke around with the other two residents, but when it was the two of them, he would either go out of the lab to run errands or would put all his focus into his work.

Yusra had gotten so used to his voice; that the absence of it made her feel strangely lonely. That realization had been like a slap of awareness to her. Yusra had gotten used to him. Ahmad had become a solid part of her daily routine. He had become familiar like a habit. A habit she had to break out of.

The sky was overcast, atmosphere somber and dull. Or maybe Yusra was projecting her inner feelings over the weather. Her shoes were wet and feet cold, once she reached the lab. To her surprise, Ahmad was already there, bent over some samples. 

She said salaam quietly and went to her desk, surprised at finding a mug of tea there. “I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries,” Ahmad said from his place near the counter, as if reading Yusra’s thoughts. “But I was bringing one for Ejaz and Maira anyway. I hoped you wouldn’t mind it.”

Yusra had been so deeply frustrated with everything happening in her life, that the kind gesture almost made her want to break down. But she was stronger than that.

She had been a fighter ever since she was young. Alienated because of her too-smart brain. Friendless because of competitive jealousy. She used to cry over it. Longing for what other kids had. But she had accepted her fate. She had embraced solitude long ago.

But Ahmad had somehow made a corner for himself in her lonely kingdom, and now losing that comradeship was hurting her more than she let on. Even if it was the right thing to do. She just had to get over it.

“It’s fine. Thank you,” Yusra responded, once she had gotten her wary emotions under control. Ahmad nodded at her in acknowledgment without looking away from his screen. The two of them were soon enveloped by silence; their constant acquaintance for an unknown future.


She looked fragile. Ahmad noticed worryingly. It was the third time she had rubbed her eyes as if begging them to keep working. She looked exhausted, disturbed… breakable.

Ahmad felt regret creep in. He was partially responsible for that stress. Before his impromptu confession, every time she looked lost in her head, he had the freedom of talking and distracting her from whatever went inside there. He did not know if it was even effective, but it was better than doing nothing. It was better than feeling useless, better than what he was feeling currently.

Just then, his phone pinged with a text. It was Hasib, asking if Ahmad wanted to join the rest of the group for lunch.

Ahmad looked at Yusra who seemed focused on her laptop, yet lost in her thoughts.

Maybe he should take a break, so Yusra could take one too.

He texted Hasib back. Yeah. I’ll be there.

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