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Ginny was fixing up her new born baby when a owl with two letters came in

"Harry! Can you come here please?" She called out

"What's wrong love?" Harry asked his wife, they got married two years after they graduated from Hogwarts and together they had three children, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter, Harry wanted nothing but to tell his best friend, Hermione, that she was a aunt, but after their falling out with one another due to her relationship with with Draco - who Harry could see made his sister very happy - Hermione disappeared and hasn't been seen since

Harry wished to be able to see his best friend and had some resentment towards the Weasley family for making him chose, he loved his wife with all his heart and thanked her for giving him a family, but he was angry at Ron for forcing his decision, which by the way he would have chosen Hermione, Harry became Head of Auror and head department of fighters against dark magic

Ginny became Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, after she got pregnant with James she gave up her job and became a quidditch columnist for the daily prophet, she missed Hermione and wished she could have chosen differently, Ginny knew that Hermione was happy with Draco, she had seen it in their last year when Hermione was head girl and Draco was head boy, she had seen how they helped one another from their nightmares and looked out for one another, Ginny knew that Hermione made the right choice with choosing Draco over Ron, Ginny knew that Draco and Hermione were married, or at least had a feeling, she didn't care, she was happy for her best friend

"Nothing love, we just received letters from hogwarts" Ginny told her husband

Dear Ginerva Molly Potter

I am pleased to announce that Hogwarts will be hosting a reunion for all graduate students of 1999, you are allowed to bring your spouses and children if you have anything, the even will be hosted in December 25, at 10:00 pm in the great hall.

Sincerely Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts school for witches and wizards

Ginny was shocked, she looked at her husband who had the same reaction as her

"A reunion?" He asked

All Ginny could do was nod

"Do you thi-" Ginny was cut short by the floo who revealed her brother

"Ron, what are you doing here?" Harry asked, crossing his arms

"Can you believe it? A bloody reunion, it's not like we spent seven years there, now they want us to go back" he ranted


"Do you believe Mione will be there?" He asked

"Ron you know she hated it when you called her that" Harry said

"Whatever, do you think she'll be there?" Ron asked

"I- I don't know...maybe?" Ginny questioned

"She better be there, we belong together, hopefully she finally got over her pointless thing over the ferret" Ron said as he took a magazine clipping, probably with the picture of Hermione

"What if she's not single? What if she's married?" Harry asked

"Who would want to marry her?" Ron asked with a chuckle

"Loads of people, she is London's most beautiful woman for a reason" Harry said

"None of them are good enough for her" Ron said

"Oh and you are?" Harry was fuming now

"Yeah, and besides, can you imagine, "Ronald Weasley, most handsome man marries Hermione Granger"? It will be a field day" Ron said

"You are number eleven on the top ten list of most handsome men, Ron" Ginny says crossing her arms

"Whose number one?" He asked

"Draco Malfoy, followed by Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas. Harry Potter, Jaques Reme, Comac McLaggen, Finnick Austins, Neville Longbottom" Ginny listed

"How do you know?" Ron spat

"I get the paper of witch weekly, I may be a writer for the Daily prophet but that doesn't mean I don't want the gossip" Ginny said as she picked up her baby

"Why do they have the death eaters at the top? They should have me and Harry, we saved the world" Ron said

"Ron. You bailed when we needed to be together the most, all you did was whine" Harry said and stormed out

Ginny took Lily into the other room and saw her husband pacing

"Harry, are you alright?" Ginny asked

"No, I'm not, I should have chosen Hermione" he mumbled

"But Harry-"

"Gin, I love you, and I love our family, but I am angry at Ron and everyone else who forced me to leave Hermione, when we were hunting horcruxes, she never left, she chose me, she chose to help me, and when she finally had the opportunity to be happy, I turned my back to her" Harry ranted

He finished and looked at the floor

"I think she married Draco" Ginny said, walking towards her husband

"You think?" Harry asked

"Like you said, she deserved to be happy, and Draco made her happy, if she didn't I will have to give her a bat bogey hex when I see her" Ginny laughed

"But what about Ron?" Harry asked

"My brother has never settled down, he has three kids out of wedlock who he doesn't even see, he has been hung up over a girl who was too good for him, and to top it off, I truly believe he is a drunk, Hermione didn't deserve that, she deserved someone who she could have an intellectual conversation, someone who didn't have table manners of a pig, and someone who challenged her to succeed" Ginny said

"So you think she married Malfoy?"

"I think so, you should have seen them in our last year, they may have been the brightest of our age but they were horrible at hiding their relationship" Ginny joked

Harry walked up to his wife and hugged her, thanking Merlin for the wife he game him

"I love you Ginerva Molly Potter"

"I love you too Harry James Potter"

A very merry Hogwarts ReunionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα