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The mini honeymoon between Hermione and Draco was nothing but magical, having the opportunity of expressing their love for one another without the fear of being ridiculed made their love even stronger, for they both meant "through good and bad, till death due us part". Their trip came to a close and it was near the ends of November, Hermione was her office, her hand on her stomach that was beginning to show, she was looking out the window when Luna apparated into her office

"Hermione! Astoria and Pansy are in labour and I can't take them to the hospital!"

Hermione grabbed her things and with Luna they flooed to the Zabini Manor

They arrived in one of the guest rooms and both pregnant ladies were threatening to kill their husbands

"Luna, go to St. Mungo's and get the midwives, it looks like Astoria and Pansy are going to have their home births" Hermione ordered, she had to keep calm for them

"Pansy!" Theo yelled as he ran into the room, Jaques in tow

"Theodore Nott, this is your fault! You just had to go and get me pregnant didn't you?" Pansy yelled

"Jaques Remé, tu es excuse pathétique d'un être humain, ton chanceux je suis amoureux de toi sinon je te jetterais un sort dans le siècle prochain" Astoria swore in French

Luna appeared with two healers, they quickly got to work and Luna summoned some of her elves to help, Hermione sent Draco a patronus telling him that she may be home late

The two women in labour threatened their husbands too much that the healers had to ask them to leave, for their safety, Luna was with Pansy and Hermione was with Astoria, they held their hands and helped them push, after two or three hours there was a baby cry, a girl, The healer moved Pansy and her baby to another room and came back to help the healer that was with Astoria

Twenty six hours later a cry was heard, a boy, Astoria collapsed out of exhaustion and Jaques was with his son, Hermione was in the drawing room with Luna, Blaise and Draco, they were talking about the new members of their family when an owl came and delivered a letter

"Mia, it's for you" her husband said as he gave her the message

Hermione opened the letter and saw the familiar writing of her daughter


I want to say thank you for being there the day of my accident, and I want to say thank you also for not hexing James since his father is...you know, I am writing you because I have a question, is it possible for you to send me a dress? My date with James is coming up, before you freak out, don't worry, he knows about my promise, although I really feel he may be the one, he is such a romantic, he cares for me and pays attention to me like if I'm a princess, he's the type of guy that listens, writing this makes me realize that he's just like dad with you, all those stories you told us when we were kids, mum, writing this letter I cannot stop smiling, these last few weeks I wake up with a smile and go to bed with a smile. I got off topic, as I was asking, can you please send me a dress? I've tried to see all my other dresses but none look perfect, since I won the bet I got to chose the date, and none of my dresses fit for the date, the information is on the other letter I sent. Thank you mum.

I love you mum


P.S. dad if your reading this, whether over mum's shoulder or not, please don't hunt James down, I really like him. Oh and you cannot see the date information, I don't need you crashing me first date.

Love you dad.

Hermione laughed and looked at her husband, who was reading over her shoulder

"She knows me so well, just like her mother" Draco said and kissed his wife's forehead

"Shoo, I have to see the date information and she gave you strict instructions" Hermione waved her husband away

She heard him stomping his feet like a child and turned took out another letter

While reading she heard someone descending down the stairs, she looked up and saw Theo running down the stairs

"Draco! Blaise! She said yes!" Theo yelled and ran to his best mates, he threw his arms around them and the other two men stood their awkwardly

"Said yes to what Theo?" Luna asked

"Right okay, Draco, Blaise? Will you do us the honour of being the godparents Brutes Theodore Nott?" Theo asked

Blaise and Draco looked at one another and then to Theo, then at their wives before looking at one another again, they did this whole process with their mouths open

"Y-Yes!" They both exclaimed and hugged Theo again, they began to jump around

Luna and Hermione looked at one another while laughing

They heard someone else coming down the stairs and this time it was Jaques, he walked up to Hermione and hugged her

"Thank you" he whispered

He pulled away and asked Luna to come closer, all three other men went silent and looked over

"Luna Zabini, Hermione Malfoy, Astoria and I were talking, if anything were to happen to us we want you two to be our daughters godparents, we want Delilah Alora Reme, to grow up with the imagination that you carry,  Luna," he said and looked at her "we want her to see a world we cannot see, to believe that anything can be alive, to not fear of being different and unique" Jaques explained, he looked at Hermione next "and we want her to grow up with your knowledge Hermione, to never fear being smart, to be confident in her wisdom and to have a passion of learning new things, will you do us the honours?" Jaques asked, Hermione and luna were wiping their tears and aggressively nodding, they hugged him again

"Why didn't we get a godparent proposal Theo?" Blaise asked

Hermione and Luna pulled away and looked at one another, they hugged and laughed, when they pulled away they walked up to their husbands

"Question, why are Luna and I Delilah's godparents and not including our husbands?" Hermione asked

"Astoria knew that Pansy was going to let, and I quote "these two dumb blokes who cannot tell the difference between their two heads" be the godparents of Theodores child, she also said that the poor child was destined to grow up with two men who when their wives were pregnant they would show up to our house in the middle of the night and eat everything we had, she wanted to give our child a fighting chance" Jaques explained

Luna and Hermione laughed at the faces of their husbands, who looked like they were about to have steam coming out of their ears

"ASTORIA!" They both yelled and ran up the stairs

"My son will have a fighting chance, one of his godparents is the smartest wizard of our age, second only to Hermione" Theo mumbled and made his way up to the room

Hermione looked at Jaques and hugged him again

"Thank you"

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