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Hermione was preparing her office for when her best friends showed up for their first fitting

There was a knock on the door, Hermione let them come in, not looking up from her project

"Hi Hermione" the voice she hasn't heard in 15 years say

Hermione gathered all her Gryffindor courage and turned to face her once best friend

"What do you want? I'm busy" Hermione said and walked to her office

"I want to talk" Ginny said

"About?" Hermione asked

"About what happened..." Ginny whispered

"About you making me chose between you or Draco? Or pinning all those deaths on me because of my choice? Or wait, you calling me a mudblood?" Hermione spat

"About everything" Ginny cried

"Don't, I don't need your apology, and the only reason why you're here is because you feel guilty" Hermione said and grabbed some papers

"I'm sorry Hermione, I never wanted to call you...that" Ginny cried

"Well you did, and nothing you say or do will fix it" Hermione slammed the papers on her desk

"You forgave Draco! He called you that more then once!" Ginny yelled

"You were my best friend! I never expected you to call me that!" Hermione yelled back

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry" Ginny cried

"I don't care"

"How could you forgive Draco! Huh? He stood by while his aunt marked you! He was a coward!"

"Do not call him that! You know if he did anything we both would have died! And he earned my forgiveness!"

"I am your best friend! I deserve your forgiveness too!"

"It took you 15 bloody years to come talk to me! Fifteen damn years!"

"If I was a guy would you have forgiven me by now?"


"The only reason why you forgave Draco is because you jumped into bed with him" Ginny spat

"What are you saying?"

"You're a slut! You spent one year living with Draco Malfoy and you forgive him, for everything he put you, for what he put us through!"

"I forgave Draco because he earned it, he spent every damn day of our eighth year working for my forgiveness! Don't you dare accuse me of that!"

"So what? Him being a deatheater doesn't bother you anymore?"

"He didn't have a choice!"

"Everyone has a choice!"

"And What might those be? Choosing the family who when things get to hard turn their back on you? Blaming you for the death of half of the wizarding world because you chose love? Those are brilliant choices!"

It was now a screaming match between Hermione and Ginny, all those years of pain, humiliation, betrayal and anger surfaced and was being exposed, they were both in the middle of the heated discussion when the doors opened

"Mia are you alright?" Astoria asked, she walked in with Pansy and Luna

"What are you doing here Greengrass?" Ginny spat

"Don't talk to her like that" Hermione ordered

"Why are you protecting her? And since when are you friends with the Slythersluts?" Ginny laughed

A very merry Hogwarts ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now