Ep6 pt1. Born to be brave

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Class was boring. Like really boring, usually music was the best but today everything was just so boring!

They had a substitute teacher, an old woman, possibly in her 70s was going through the different types of language and their meanings that they use in the violin despite the majority of the class not being able to play the instrument.

Alex had recently dozed off in his chair from a late movie date he had with Willie . Ever since they had gotten together it was like they couldn't be apart from one another or else they'd die, it was cute, but the band was a little tired of it.

Julie was doodling in her journal, mostly Little hearts and music notes but you'd get the occasional smiley face. While she was doing this, Luke was playing with the tips of her hair, either attempting to braid it or twirling it around his fingers, though, Julie didn't seem to mind.

Flynn for once was actually trying to listen but not because she was interested, more because she was trying to avoid Reggie who was heavily flirting with her.

"Flynn, has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes ever? Like seriously they're mesmerising" Reggie complimented, resting his chin in his palm "perhaps you and I could go to the movies tonight? You know just the two of us" he shuffles closer to her before she pushes him away via his face.

"Shh, I'm trying to listen" Flynn said without taking her eyes off the board. Reggie was a pretty patient guy but his patience was running thin

"Do you even play?!?!" He questioned while finally sitting up straight, switching glances to both Flynn and the violin images on the screen

"I do" she answered bluntly leaving Reggie's mouth to drop, when she noticed, she smirked "I also play the trumpet, horn, ukulele, harmonica, flute, banjo and I'm taking piano lessons"

Reggie was astonished, Flynn grew more and more impressive each day but in all honesty, it made him realise he didn't actually know much about her but he'd love to start.

About 20 mins later the substitute teacher had been given the cast list of an interesting little upcoming musical the class shall be preforming.

Julie didn't bother going up to check it out, what was the point? Carrie always got the lead. Presides, she had to put 100% into the band so when she found out that she, Julie Molina was going to be Juliet, to say she was shocked would a an understatement.

Nick got the male lead and the thought of playing his romantic opposite made her stomach flutter. Everyone was happy for all the main cast.. well, with an exception of Carrie.

She stormed down the hall after class to greet both Julie and Flynn who were laughing about how relentless Reggie was.

"Hey girls, just wanted to let you guys know that my annual sleepover is this Saturday so I'll so you then" Carrie smiled both sickeningly sweet and fake  before turning on her heel and strutting off

Julie did not want to go and why would she? She and Carrie have had this god forsaken feud for a while now so why would she spend the night with her?

Flynn on the other hand was rather eager to attend this fancy ass sleepover in hopes of exploring Carrie's home or discovering something that she could hold against her. Some people may think that's cruel but after all the things Carrie did to Julie, Flynn was sure she deserved it.

"Please jules! It will be fun" pleaded Flynn as she actually put her hands together while cowering her bottom lip.

"Ugh! Fine! But you owe me" Julie finally gave in causing Flynn to clap her hands together and jump in the air.

This will be an eventful weekend...


Another short chapter but I can assure you the next two are much longer.

Sorry for not posting Tuesday but I had to cook tea and do homework so yeah

The song is born to be brave from
Hsmtmts because I love it! And Julie and Flynn need a power duet.

Hope you enjoyed this, I'll try to update tomorrow.


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