7. His True Love

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While Napoleon is talking to Lucien, Nicolas approaches you.
Worried about his fresh wound, you ask him if everything's Okay.
Oudinot smiles at your worried thoughts and says that it's nothing to worry about.
He also asks you if you'll be staying in Napoleon's Palace.

To this question, you reply that you'll be going with Bonaparte, therefore, you won't be staying in this place for too long.
He seems a bit confused regarding your decision.
Looking at his arm, he tells you that things can get pretty dangerous.
You tell him that you aren't ignorant about this matter and that you don't mind it at all.

Nicolas: "You are very courageous, I'll give you that!"

Y/N: "Nature kept me company for many years, you know? I'm used to it by now."

Nicolas: "I don't doubt it. You'll also be traveling with le Petit Caporal... I'm sure he will pay extra attention to you." (the Little Corporal...)

Y/N: "I'm sure he will too~" You say, quietly.

Nicolas: "Ah Oui!" (Ah Yes!) "You look both fragile and fearless. It's a strange combination, but a welcomed one regardless!"

Nicolas: "Many women would prefer to just stay here and live a luxurious life..."

Nicolas: "But knowing you, I am sure that a luxurious life doesn't satisfy you. Isn't that right?"

You nod at him.
He seems to understand you so well, even though you two only spoke a few times.

Nicolas: "I offer my assistance to you. I am a great shot! So, worry not!" He exclaims in a loud tone.

Nicolas: "I'll ask Napoleon if he will let me personally protect you from any disasters that might occur during the battles we will face."

You tell him that his protection is much appreciated.
Asking him if he has ever been hurt before, he goes on and explains that he has been shot at least 12 times; and that he's grateful to be well and even alive at this very moment.
Trying to process this information, you can't help but be fascinated.
Surely, most men would retire after the 5th wound. Shot...at least 12 times? And he's still here?

But looking at Oudinot's visible wound, you worry about Bonaparte's health.
Oudinot sees your distress and assures you that the Emperor is the most protected person in the battles.
He was only wounded once, so far, when he was a young general. Stabbed in the thigh by the enemy's pike.
Since then, he suffered no other wounds. Especially now, being the most protected person on the battlefields.

These words relieve you from your anxious thoughts.
Although it's not impossible for him to be harmed, it's certainly difficult.

You start listening to a different language leaving the two brother's mouths.
Nicolas: "C'est Italien." (It's Italian.) "Sometimes they speak to each other in their native language."

Y/N: "I see... I thought he was French."

Nicolas: "He is, oui." (He is, yes.) "But in Corsica, Italian is still the native language, despite it being french territory."

You nod and you continue to listen to these new words coming out of their mouths.
So far, you've only listened to English, French and some other languages but never Italian.
Perhaps it's Napoleon's handsome aura captivating you, but why must this man know such beautiful and romantic languages? He makes it hard not to fall in love with him.
They finish talking to each other, and it seems that it's Nicolas' turn to speak to the Emperor.

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