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I receive a text from Ophelia two days later. It tells me she's free for a date next Saturday, the same day Penelope and Patrick are going in for their DNA test. I'm not thrilled about not being home when Penelope gets back—she may need my moral support—but if I ask Ophelia to reschedule again, she won't be available until mid-October. If I'm going to convince her romance isn't a bad thing, I need to work on her ASAP.

Rolling over in bed, I fire off a quick response to her before tossing my phone back on the nightstand. I want to stay in bed. I want to stay wrapped up in these cotton sheets and listen to waves crash against the rocky shore while I act like a lazy bum. When I think back to Saanich, I don't long for it. I don't long for the musky seawater or constant rain. But while I don't miss the weather or geography, I miss my place. When renovations are over and we return to Saanich, I'm probably going to kiss every piece of furniture in my house. My television is way better. My bed is fluffier and has an electric heating pad beneath the sheets. I miss dinner at Mom's every Sunday night. The Okanagan is appealing to my aesthetics, but I'm a homebody, through and through. And there's nothing like being home.

What I wouldn't do for some of Mom's venison chili and homemade bannock.

Penelope knocks on the door, interrupting the mouth-watering images skirting through my train of thought.

"Come in," I call, positioning the sheets low enough she can see the band of my boxers. Ever since the naked incident in the bathroom, I've come up with new ways to tease Penelope. She's lucky I'm too modest to sleep naked or else I'd use that to my advantage, too.

When Penelope steps into the bedroom, my mouth turns dry. She's wearing high-waisted white jeans paired with a dark-purple bikini top that does little for my imagination. I cock my head to the side. Huh. I wouldn't mind untying that bikini top and getting a full view of her supple breasts. I mean, they must be supple if there's no under-wire supporting them. Penelope is... sexy. And not just because of her breasts—those just contribute to her headstrong, independent, confident personality. The traits I love in a woman.

Before Penelope can realize I'm fantasizing over her breasts, I shift my gaze up to hers. Her cheeks are tinged pink and her mouth is pulled to one corner. She's trying to hide her emotions from me, and it makes me chuckle. I take full credit in making my body swoon-worthy. Years of football and daily trips to the gym have allowed me to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The toned muscles are just a bonus.

"What's up, Pen?" I grin.

She clears her throat and shakes her head. "Get up, Cassian. We have guests coming."

"Guests?" I frown, wondering who she's talking about. My first thought goes to Jake and Gemma. But even though they're back in Canada, I'm positive they'd want to spend at least a week at home before coming here to check on us. Perhaps it's Patrick and his parents; maybe Penelope ripped the bandage off. A pang of worry radiates through my chest. Seeing Penelope upset about Patrick was gut-wrenching. I don't know if I can handle seeing her crumble again if she doesn't get the reaction she wants from her parents.

The Truth About Forever (The Truth About, #2)Where stories live. Discover now